MTV Icon

MrMajs said:
Cant anyone give me a description of the song, since i dont trust the fans from the official metallica forum.
Is it Heavy, fast? Metal, Hardcore?

The start of the song reminds me of One (the interlude). The song is pretty damn fast and intense, but with a good amount of breakdowns. When the song slows down, James adds a little blues esque feel to the riff and then they go to full throttle again. I wonder why those fuckers didn't show the whole performance :yell:

got home from work & turned on the TV onlt to see Limp Bisquick Butcher Sanitarium... I luckly missed most of the ass kissing by the "pop" stars. What I found sickening was that Sean Penn that American Poster boy for treason was the asshole that got the honor of inroducing Metallica$h.... So was the show as crappy as it appeared on paper?! I must admit the Medley was "good." Was it just me or did Trujillo not really look like he fit in the band? Bouncing around like a god damn monkey 'n shit....

I found the show to be pretty entertaining (specially the documentals) the covers were pretty damn lame (most notably Avril, Staind) but Sum 41 did a pretty damn good job with their covers. Now on the Rob Trujillo thing: I think he fits the band perfectly, he doesn't have the same style as Jason or Cliff, but he adds the fire that Metallica seemed to lost some years ago.
Wicked Child said:
The Medley was pretty cool, but is it just me or did the new song sound sorta mallcore-ish?
No, it didn't sound "mallcore-ish". You were dead set on labeling it nu-metal before you even listened to the song obviously. It doesn't resemble nu-metal in any way, shape or form.
you all throw shit to Metallica... Come on.. just say it. "I DON'T LIKE METALLICA" "METALLICA ITS BULLSHIT AND ITS BAD MUSIC" (or something like that).

personally, i like metallica, the older and the new stuff. I do think they are sell outs... but that dosen't mean that Metallica its bad music. If you don't like metallica, then... don't listen to it.
I used to like Metallica and still like a lot of the older stuff for the nostalgia factor.

Now though, metal has progressed and so have my tastes. Metallica has not.

And seriously, Lars is a douche bag. :)
Metallica might be "sell out"... but its still metal. Its not pop, grunge, blues, tecno, folk... ITS METAL. It might not be the BEST metal of all times, but the trouth is that without metallica, we would not have what we got today in "hard" music. (Dark tranquility, In Flames, Nevermore....) all technicality of the word 'pop'...pop is anything that receives sindacated radio play and/or endulged by the masses (this can be applied ;and is; to more then just music)

It's metal flavored seems like a tease. Like not enough meat in your taco-bell taco:( ....

and i can see alot of today's "true metal" being formed with out Metallica influence....they weren't the first metal band...and I pray God they aren't the last( or the statue of metal greatness)
Immortality said:
No, it didn't sound "mallcore-ish". You were dead set on labeling it nu-metal before you even listened to the song obviously. It doesn't resemble nu-metal in any way, shape or form.
no.....very much the opposite. I watched the show only for that song and the medley. I never once labeled it mallcore-ish before hearing it. It may not sound it to you, but it does to me, elements of it, at least. That breakdown part sounds like something from a Disturbed album. Sorry if i disagree with you. Oh, and don't tell me what i was "dead set" on doing. You have no clue.
I caught the last half hour of the show. I unfortunantly witnessed Limp Bisquick butcher Sanitarium. I thought it was funny that their guitarist couldn't play the solos.
I enjoyed the Metallica medley. I liked how they broke out all the old songs. Lars seemed to have trouble keeping up though.
!@#$ Shitallica !@#$ Lars! The funny thing about MTVIcon (I didn't watch) 2 groups of aweful noise that I despise the most were covering songs, Limp Bisket (sp?) and Korn! I would have rather watch Snoop cover them all night. What a Joke!
The only "Mallcore-ish" element of Frantic that I could hear was that it was played in B instead of standard E. And From what I hear, a lot of the album is played in that tuning, as well as live versions of Seek and Destroy.

And, I know that tuning down to B is not necessarilly a "Mallcore" thing, but you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I really have to agree that it doesn't sound like Nu-Metal. It's Metallica, and that means that if it's good, it's great and if it's decent, it's good. To the fans, that is. To the haters, if it's anything but MoP, it sucks. Oh well. Open your mind guys. I dig Frantic a lot. Killer riff. Double bass. I like the vocals. They're decent. Cool melody at the end where he says keep searching. I like the My Lifestyle Determines My Deathstyle part as well. Crushing. Haven't been able to say that since '88.
I watched the show, was actually looking forward to it, here's my review.

Sum41- Musically I thought they did well (their guitarist did a good job of the solo) but the singer was so shit
Avril Lavigne- Oh dear god
Staind- pretty boring, it wasn't hideous but it sure as hell wasn't fun to listen to
Korn- How can a bass sound that bad? Fieldy should be shot for butchering his instrument to make a sound like that. Other than that it was alright
Snoop Dogg- I missed it (thank god), I was getting a sandwich
Limp Bizkit- If anyone kills Fred Durst, I don't think anyone will miss him after the embarassment that was their version of Sanitarium
Comedian Guy- Who the hell was that?

And Metallica.....They can still play their instruments well (although it WAS Lars having trouble keeping up and not the other way round) which is a good sign. Hetfield's voice, although not anywhere near as good as it was 12 years ago, is something we'll have to accept, and to give him credit he did alright.
But their new my view was a hideous monster. It was a messy attempt at thrash that didn't seem to have any structure, or really anything to it at all. There's no memorable riffs, lead parts, drums, and for god's sake what the hall was that clean bit where everything stops?

Metallica better pull their fingers out of their fucking asses, start realising where they're going wrong and start living up to the legacy they've created.

Of course people are going to either agree and disagree with me, so think what you will.
I enjoyed Limp Bizkit doing Sanitarium. Avril was ok. Korn was ok. Sum 41 was good. Metallica was good. Snoop Dogg should of done a different song. Staind did an ok job too.