Multiband compression for Heavy guitars.


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Hi all, heard a lot from threads that in order to tighten up a typical heavy mid sucked guitar track it is a good idea to use a fair bit of multiband compression.

Just after a little advice really on any tips on using this, and how i would use it? Im working in Cubase/nuendo so i've got all the typical plugins that come on board.


Andy shared a Waves C4 preset with us that really just keeps the low-mids in check without affecting the rest of the guitar's sound. I'm sure someone here can dig it up, or you might be able to find it with a little searching.
here's my equivalent MB Setting:

Two Bands

Hi band
Ratio: 1:1

Separation Freq:
270 Hz

Low Band:
Attack: 10ms
Release: 30ms

I adjust these to taste but start here:
Threshold: -21 db
Ratio: 1.8 : 1

I usually tune for around +5db of compression, but it all depends on the material
chadsxe said:
Tried it right clicking and saving and it did not still shows up with a bunch of numbers....can you email me it...

Don't work in Firefox. Try internet exploder.
MKS said:
Don't work in Firefox. Try internet exploder.

I think I might be this the actual preset file....or is it a gif/btm/jpeg.......I have teh C4 but I do not have pro there a compatiablity issue between the of now I am searching the forums for a pic of this....yet to find one..


Hahaha I justed noticed the "search sucks" post....sorry..
chadsxe said:
I think I might be this the actual preset file....or is it a gif/btm/jpeg.......I have teh C4 but I do not have pro there a compatiablity issue between the of now I am searching the forums for a pic of this....yet to find one..


Hahaha I justed noticed the "search sucks" post....sorry..

Yep haha! Very handy!
Here's a pic:

Seizure. said:
what is the difference between the c4 and then linear phase MB? what the heck uis linear phase?:err:
linear phase means all frequencies are delayed the same amount, otherwise, propagation delay is frequency dependent.
MKS said:
Here's a pic:


In this pic, a few of the bypass buttons are enabled. Does this mean those frequencies are bypassed? If so, isn't this just a single band compressor.

Also, what does the range mean?

I'm trying to approximate this in a general direct X plug in compressor to see if it helps and I don't have a range level. I have all the other presets the same as the picture (but not bypassed) and it sounds really good and let's the thick guitar tone come through, but not "clog" up the mix.
nwright said:
In this pic, a few of the bypass buttons are enabled. Does this mean those frequencies are bypassed? If so, isn't this just a single band compressor.

Also, what does the range mean?

I'm trying to approximate this in a general direct X plug in compressor to see if it helps and I don't have a range level. I have all the other presets the same as the picture (but not bypassed) and it sounds really good and let's the thick guitar tone come through, but not "clog" up the mix.
In C4 "bypass" means that band of the frequencies isn't being affected. "S" or "solo" solos that band and mutes the others. so in andy's example he is simply only affecting the one specific band, and the other 3 are passing unaffected.
So he's using a multi band compressor to only compress one band? Or, on the other 3 bands, he's compressing everything in the signal BUT those 3?

I know, I'm an idiot. I don't know anything about waves. But, simply plugging in the same values in a direct X multi band compressor on a guitar track makes it sit in a mix a bit nicer.
nwright said:
So he's using a multi band compressor to only compress one band? Or, on the other 3 bands, he's compressing everything in the signal BUT those 3?
Yes he's only compressing one "band". Like I said in my original post, it's designed to "keeps the low-mids in check without affecting the rest of the guitar's sound". The reason you use a multiband compressor to do this is your average compressor, say Waves RComp, compresses the whole signal. C4 allows you to only compress the area of the sound you want to change.