multiple tracks for 1 mic

This seriously needs putting to bed....

duplicating a track leads to an increase in volume corresponding to 10 log_10(4) ~ 6.020599913 dB
Two identical signals, when summed with opposite polarity will sum to 0

Insert a clip on 3 tracks
set mixer volume of the first 2 tracks to -6.020599913 dB (in Reaper this achieved by right clicking on the fader and typing the value)
invert the polarity of the 3rd track
it is expected, in accordance with the theory of superposition of waves and the decibel scale, that the output will be null.


An image of the mixer in Reaper, the maximum peak level of -infinity dB can clearly be seen in the master bus meters, signifying a null output.

The rounding caused by the use of floating point arithmetic and the approximation 10 log_10(4) ~ 6.020599913 dB would be expected to cause imperfect cancellation, however it would appear that the accuracy used was sufficient to cause a complete cancellation of the signals.
This result leads to the conclusion that duplicating a track leads to an identical signal as that of a single track with volume 10 log_10(4) dB higher.

Maths works, and it would appear that computers do as well. Suck it.

Thank you.