

Oct 26, 2006
Northern Ireland, UK
yesterday i was travelling with my mum to school but she is a nurse so before she droped me off she had to go to some hospital place to leave of documents. i get really easily bored in long car journeys so i always bring my ipod, so not even 5 mins into the journey when i put my headphones on my mum started to complain about me being 'anti-social' when being in the car with her, so i brought out my ipod to stereo connector which allows me to listen to my ipod through the car stereo by pluggin it into the slot for cassettes. at the start i played some softer stuff like incubus, then took it to a bit of motley crue before settling with katatonia and to my suprise my mum was humming along to most of the songs chorus'

now for a christian women who hates most rock and metal music im quite glad she was humming along to kata :lol:

by the way, the songs she liked the most were Wait Outside, Journey Through Pressure and Deadhouse

ROCK ON MUM :headbang: lol
My mom absolutely loves Sweet Nurse. I'll try Evidence next time to have another breather in the middle of Michael Bublè.

my parents think that because I listen to metal then I don't like the classic russian rock i grew up with like mashina vermeni, aqvarium, kino, DDT

closeminded dumbasses...I like classic rock more than they do
My mother didnt mind Opeth - Damnation...she says Katatonia sound too depressive..but she still gave it a chance which I appreciate...My Dad will listen to anything as long as it doesn't have growling or screaming...It might seem foolish, but when you reach an age you don't want to hear stuff like matter how talented it might be to us.
My dad is a big music lover, but no Metal, classical piano stuff mostly. He listens to my brother's bands because it's his son's music, but only once or twice.

My mum used to play flute, but she's not even got the slightest concept of Metal ;)
My mom was always very cool with me playing metal in the car with her. He'll I'd even play some crazy death metal stuff sometimes. She loves Damnation, and she liked Tool when I used to play Lateralus a lot. She can appreciate a good guitar melody too, like a lot of In Flames songs.