Music -A science?


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
I recently started to think of music in a new way (for me). Once when I listened to music (think it was from maiden's new album) I thought, now comes this part, damn I love it, and I knew the song in my mind, so I listened through the part with great enjoyment, just as I do when listening to any song. But I saw a connection. Movies, in Star Wars (brilliant stuff) I have started to wait for the lines, and know some of them in my mind too.

Hang on, I'm coming to the point soon.

The connection was, that the repeatment was very satisfying, it was like my mind remembered all the time. Perfection. The feeling of control, power. Sometimes in life many things are not as you want them to be, but the songs are. And the movies are too. You can repeat the moments and sounds any time, and they will be the same. When I feel confused, or need to just get away from everything, I listen to one of my favorite songs, or movies, and I will usually feel better afterwards, and more relaxed. It is almost like a sort of therapy.
If you're a Star Wars fan -like me-, you know the feeling of eternity when Vader stands still, until he decides to throw the Emperor down that abyss. And the pleasant feeling when he does. Every time.
That's why you have your own favorite movie(s), you favorite book, song, art, or any object of any kind.

"Deja vu"? What do you think of my "theory"? Do you see yourself in a mirror?
I forgot some..

But isn't TV and movies made for man to forget its problems for a time and enjoy itself? That must be its purpose. Comic shows and action movies/series are the most powerful material of that kind. Ever watched a really good movie? You get a good feeling for several days. Arlington Road was one of those movies, I recommend it!