music and vision


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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when y'all listen to music, do you see something? not necessarily music represented in visuals (like the visual on windows media player and winamp)...though, i suppose it could be something like that too. i'm just curious.
I often see images about what the song is about, if I'm listening to it and concentrating soley on that.

For example, when I listen to Deliverance, I basically see what the song implies: somebody being drowned, seeing the killer show remorse and then feel powerful, etc.
I create visuals in my head for music, but they are very specific to the music, very defined by the sound (i.e. tone and such) of instruments, and nothing like that WMP crap.

Along with this, certain songs create images. Opeth, of course, does lots of forest images. Still Life has more red-tinted (because of the cover) images of a medieval village and lots of violence and such.
sweet...a lot of times, i see the sound itself....especially when i get completely lost in a song...its really weird. today, i saw the sound of a palm-muted guitar (distorted-the nice & chewy still life). i didn't see a hand strumming a guitar...i just saw the crunch sound. it wasn't anything that i can even describe now, (although i can picture it)...
When I write words I'll visualize the subject matter, or if the words are vague and abstract I'll conjure up a feeling, of someone experiencing whatever it is I'm talking about. There are usually colors, most shades of gray... even the blood is a dark gray.

When I write music, I'll see it in 3-D as if I were watching a cartoonish equalizer, with the bars and notes going up and down (think Guero video by Beck) and it all blends together.

Now, the difficult part is seeing this so clearly and then trying to communicate it to band members. It doesn't always come out exactly how I envision it.
When I hear music I get images in my head. I can't describe them though; they're too abstract. It's really weird. It's like seeing the music/sounds.
Depends how enthralling the music is, becuase this an Opeth forum, I'll use them as an example, usually I just tune out and let the music provoke thought and let it take me wherever. Whatever feel the album has usually dictates the direction in which my imagination takes me. Right now I'm listening to "Damnation", which usually makes me think about rainy days from my childhood, just sitting inside on the carpet enjoying the tranquility and cool air. This is usually how I de-stress, on the rare occasions I actually get stressed.
I watched that horrible Immortal Video and while listening to Orchid, I tried to immagine Opeth running around like that. LOL.

MAYH is (to borrow from Pain of Salvation) to me, a scene in brown and yellow. Like the character can see the house and the people he is leaving behind, but the colors are fading into sepia like rememberance. In the end, "they all huddle in the brown corners." The bright colors that once signified life have dissapeared and turned to rotting brown.
i relate other senses to sound too...i'm pretty into tonal quality, a lot of times i relate the taste of food to and sound spectrum on a graphic equalizer...and to color too...its kinda silly. for example, today i had some salsa...there was an upper mid spike, but within this spike, there was a mellow tasting mid scoop....i enjoyed more than pace, which has the same upper mid spike, but is stronger, and too sharp...they need to bring it down in the mix...i think its the vinager flavor, it overpowers everything else that is going on, and makes you try to hard to listen to the delicious tomato, onion, pepper flavors.
JoeVice said:
i relate other senses to sound too...i'm pretty into tonal quality, a lot of times i relate the taste of food to and sound spectrum on a graphic equalizer...and to color too...its kinda silly. for example, today i had some salsa...there was an upper mid spike, but within this spike, there was a mellow tasting mid scoop....i enjoyed more than pace, which has the same upper mid spike, but is stronger, and too sharp...they need to bring it down in the mix...i think its the vinager flavor, it overpowers everything else that is going on, and makes you try to hard to listen to the delicious tomato, onion, pepper flavors.

JoeVice said:
i relate other senses to sound too...i'm pretty into tonal quality, a lot of times i relate the taste of food to and sound spectrum on a graphic equalizer...and to color too...its kinda silly. for example, today i had some salsa...there was an upper mid spike, but within this spike, there was a mellow tasting mid scoop....i enjoyed more than pace, which has the same upper mid spike, but is stronger, and too sharp...they need to bring it down in the mix...i think its the vinager flavor, it overpowers everything else that is going on, and makes you try to hard to listen to the delicious tomato, onion, pepper flavors.

If you had to describe Opeth in a food item, what would it be?
I should make this a thread.
I certainly do. Lots of music is actually designed to simulate sound environments, and with that comes inevitably mental imagery. In fact, this kind of music has become my favorite as of late. Lock myself in the basement with surround sound, turn off al lthe lights, and just see what's in the music.