Favourite Music Player ?

I've used winamp since it's first release but nowadays I'm really unhappy with the way they've developed it lately. I used it first and foremost because it's low resource use and easy basic interface but since AOL bought the company behind winamp they've been constantly adding billions of new features turning it into an itunes-like resource hog. I tried foobar but didn't quite like the interface so I did a bit of digging up and found this site where you can download good ol' versions of winamp:


I'm using 2.95 and it's rocking my world but I'm always on the lookout for an alternative since plugin support in 2.95 is limited and a bit buggy..
you have to really like a player to jizz to it!!! spend more time with that "playa" than women. haha i use itunes and quicktime is my hi fi porn player. i can see lhabias and flhabias and all kinds a fuckin shit on my imac. mmmmm mmmmm bitch!
I like WMP 11 - It's simple, the library's good, and it's easy to organize and change information on songs. The album art support is good too, you can just copy and paste artwork over.

Media Player just eats memory, and there is no way in hell im going to install itunes(Mostly because I know what Apples software does to the Windows registry.).
Dude, WMPlayer is pretty light on the memory load; I'm running it right now and it's only using around 13,000-14,000 K, which definitely does NOT make my computer break a sweat. Just opened itunes, and it's using 54,000-55,000 K, not to mention takes forever to open. Even if I were to have any desire to try another player (which I don't, cuz WMP works fine), itunes would be pretty freakin' low on my list of choices (I know you weren't advocating itunes, but I'm just responding to the general masturbation for the program)
Yeah, the 24-bit thing is the only drawback I've encountered (no problem with videos, as long as you have the free XVID codec pack), but it's pretty rare that I run into that problem...
XMPlay memory utilization 2.9k with EQ, Auto-leveling, and built-in Reverb. 2.5k as I run it, ie: without all that.

I've been trying to figure out why you would want iTunes to manage your music library or why you'd want to browse your library by genre using iTunes. I have one folder called MP3 and sub-folders for the following:

I usually know exactly what I want to hear when I turn on the tunes so I just browse right to it. I only use the genre folders because it's quicker to find Dream Theater in a folder of 90 bands' albums versus a folder of 200. Plus with XMPlay you can right-click and select 'Play Folder' and it'll play everything in a given folder including all sub-folders. It has the usual randomize mode, etc but I generally go straight to what I want. With the hundreds of redundant, elaborate and/or ambiguous genre tags for metal bands I never even look at them. I guess I'm weird cause anything from Nightwish to Cannibal Corpse to Canvas Solaris and Paradox to me are all just metal. The only reason I even sort them by genre at all is because when I archive them to DVD I prefer to have like genres on a disc. Afterall, I have 500+ CD/DVD's of mp3 with over 500GB of tunes and It makes it a little easier to find something like Blotted Science on a DVD labeled "Metal" than just "MP3's". Of course, I have CD Bank Cataloguer with a database of all my stuff so I know where everything is.

Lately I'm not even using the genre sub-folders though. Maybe that's because my new PC has only 12+GB of music on it as yet...

I guess my reasons for favoring XMPlay are two-fold. One, I've always had a slower/older system several year behind the 'current' hardware and XMPlay is so streamlined. The other is that and does actually seem to sound better to me with no plug-ins ( and it's totally customizable ).