Music Causes Violence?


Metal Godess
Oct 1, 2003
Stalking Daniel Svensson
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Most People think bad About the Death Heavy Music :OMG: . Some People even Blame suicide because of the music :OMG: . Some Weirdos and crap Music Like This Manson dude gives us a bad rep. When people who don't know Metal they think of Shitknot And Manson which are just an image, so gives people the impression of death. Not All Metal is About death. Anyways, Im totally against This Music cause suicides. My Parents took all my music away for a week because They think Im over doing it and going to commit a crime not only to myself but to others. Whats your Take?
its just another thing people can blame their problems on. the idea of taking responsibility for ones actions is all but gone. its a problem of society as a whole. and its pretty pathetic
OMG you should try to explain to your parents how ridiculous they are acting...
IMO listening to extreme music, even or just especially if it is full of hatred makes you more calm, because you can free yourself off agression with the music instead of doing harm to others.
I think only if you planned to commit a crime anyway, the music might perhaps strengthen you on your criminal way.

And the suicide thing is the most silly thing i ever heard. Liestening to music of any type should give strength to the dedicated listener, not the weakness to commit suicide!
Kanwulf from Nargaroth even said in an interview, 'Thousand Swords' by Graveland saved his live by giving him the strangth not to commit suicide...
ok so the other day at school some ghetto spanish boy(ee) i know comes up to me and says "let me hear some death metal, im tired of all this yo yo shit" so being nice, i did. i had him in tears with "Unholy Black Metal" by Darkthrone.

music doesnt actually CAUSE emotion, it acts more or less as an emotion enhancer or sometimes a cancel outer, so yeah death metal makes you want to hit somebody, big fucking deal, isnt the point to enhance your current state of being? just like doom metal enhances sadness or like how black metal enhances your uh..cold and/or grimness. if youre weak enough to commit suicide listening to a song then youre better off doing it and saving the world the trouble

btw marylin mason, on a scale from 1-10, his shock value is like maybe .5, only b/c he's just a fag
MightyDrynwhyl said:
btw marylin mason, on a scale from 1-10, his shock value is like maybe .5, only b/c he's just a fag

I wouldn't call him shocking at all, his career pretty much took off after all the publicity about "Trench Coat Mafia" type things, that was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I find Nick Cave more disturbing than any Metal band, and that's not to say I'm easily shocked, check out "Murder Ballads" one of the songs on there called "Stagger Lee" is Nick Cave having a go at people who say that modern music is violent, it's basically his version of a traditional song that is like 60 years old.

The most disturbing on that album though is a song about a girl who is raped and murdered by a friend but the song is so beautiful you don't realise the sad story behind it until the end.
You know I do remember hearing that metal was studied and it did induce violence in listeners more than any other music style. I lift weights to metal, as it gets me good and violent- when I hear SYL, or Slayer I just want to break things- which i many times do.
MightyDrynwhyl said:
ok so the other day at school some ghetto spanish boy(ee) i know comes up to me and says "let me hear some death metal, im tired of all this yo yo shit" so being nice, i did. i had him in tears with "Unholy Black Metal" by Darkthrone.
I would be in tears too if someone mistook UaFM era Darkthrone for death metal.
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
I wouldn't call him shocking at all, his career pretty much took off after all the publicity about "Trench Coat Mafia" type things, that was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I find Nick Cave more disturbing than any Metal band, and that's not to say I'm easily shocked, check out "Murder Ballads" one of the songs on there called "Stagger Lee" is Nick Cave having a go at people who say that modern music is violent, it's basically his version of a traditional song that is like 60 years old.

The most disturbing on that album though is a song about a girl who is raped and murdered by a friend but the song is so beautiful you don't realise the sad story behind it until the end.
Manson's career was doing pretty well before the Colombine incident but no matter. I'll have to check out Nick Cave.
