Music Downloading and his consequences


Mar 14, 2006
Near Mountains

this is something I want to talk (or post) with you.

The music downloading without a doubt generates great losses to the music industry and the artists too.

If the record enterprises don't sell CD or sells a low quantity ov them, they don't support the bands. I must to recognize I've downloaded albums (very few IMO :D, like 30) I did it cause are out of store or I can't buy it (cause in my country there's no one copy or are very expensive, here some albums costs even 30 euro:ill: ).

In the case of my favourite bands (Vintersorg among them), I try to get all original staff posible. (the "only mp3" albums I got are CG and TFB and Otyg's Älvefärd, the others were converted to mp3 from my original CD's to carry one CD and to avoid all risks) but sometimes it's impossible. I trade a lot of music and I buy a lot of CD.

that is One of the things I wanted to talk.

The other thing with relation to music downloading is the new metal fans... kids downloading all day long albums and reading metal-archives to become themselves in "metal-encyclopaedias" (I call them "metal-archives" guys), only to be TRUE METAL GUYS who knows everything of everyone in metal.

One thing is to go to the page to read something interesting or to know something we must to know, but another thing is spend all day long reading that shit and downloading all albums in the page only to keep it and say: ..."about that band, sure that I know it, I got ALL albums... oh yes, I'm a true metal guy"
and to use a t-shirt telling everyone "this band?... they are XXX," and tells you all the memorized story thinkin' "yes, I rule" only posers.

A lot of times guys younger than me begins to say to me: do you know that band? I respond "yes, sure" or "no, man" depending if I know the band, and they start (if the answer is NO, sometimes when is YES) "but that band is XXX (like example), how you don't know that"? and begins to treat to all like posers...the most of times I keep silent and I let talking alone, but when I'm getting angry I give'em a little lesson about metal and I tell them how posers and losers are...

it's very extense to write all the situations which I've been involved like that... kids with 12 or 13 years old burning churches, killing animals to drink blood, walking at street in the morning of afternoon with corpsepaint, black metal t-shirts and the arms filled with inches... invoking Satan (even once a group of kids gave me a invitation to the "satan church", a place where all black and metal fans must be in)

I understand the black metal begginings, when BM was a revolucionary movement to keep the ancient beliefs, declaring war to the chistianism for that... well I'm pagan and I understand it, but now, in 2007 a little kids who converts those pagan feelings and thoughts on a fashion style are doing the same like Varg, Samoth, Infernus, Faust, Fenriz and so many others did?

I was talking about it with Gawen of UM, but what do you think?
Don't really see the problem. So some people like to browse, memorizing fun facts about every band? If they enjoy it, well, good for them then.

Can't see why you would give a shit if some 12 year old "metal-archive guy" calls you a poser. But if they burn churches and torture animals, puch them in the face and call the cops on them.

About music downloading. I download a lot of music, simply to discover new music and to avoid spending money on albums that seem promising but turn out to be crap. If it's any good I buy it as soon as I can.
Can't see why you would give a shit if some 12 year old "metal-archive guy" calls you a poser. But if they burn churches and torture animals, puch them in the face and call the cops on them.

I already done it when I have seen dumbs doing it.
I just download single songs to see if the band is worthy of my purchase, thanks to downloads I have saved lots of money because their is alot of shit bands out there that may look promising but suck musicaly. As far as black metal goes I try and find the best musicians within the scene, the ones with actual talent besides the piles of shit ive heard. I don't support church burnings or murder because Americas punishments for that kind of stuff are too strict, so easy to ruin your life forever in America.
As I said in private, I 100% agree. It seems that kids (in general, not only metal fans) don’t use properly the technology: internet it’s great, it allows you to have the last news on each band , to get in touch with your favourite musicians (one of my dream it’s to talk with… Now you can), to have info about every possible band... but it could be dangerous for younger fans ‘cause they can’t understand the value (both ethic and economic) of all this. I mean now everyone can easily download an album (maybe before its release date)… and easily get tired of it!
And more important: how can a kid appreciate an album when he listened to other 10 (for example) before that? The answer is that he simply listen to just a couple of songs. I try to image a kid that download the whole Vintersorg discography and start listen to it… damn! I spent countless moons on “Till Fjälls” listened to it over and over (I’m doing the same with “Origin” now).
Life is better now than then for thousand reasons but sometimes I miss the days when you got to wait for months before read on a magazine “the latest news” or when you had to go to music store to ask if an album were or not in store… before the release of “In The Nightside Eclipse” I went to the store something like 20 times! The owner hated me.
I wrote too much but I write once again for younger fans: learn how to use correctly internet and its potential!
on the topic of downloads:

Nowadays I always download albums I'm interested in. If I like them buy them, otherwise I delete the files.

A few months ago I rearranged my cd collection build in the last eight years. The total cd count was around 350. Sadly over 100 albums were stuff that I bought and after listening to it once or twice I discovered that I didn't like it. Additionally I already sold/gave away like twenty or more albums like that in the last few years. In the last months I sold over thirty of the 100 albums, but now the most “valuable” cds are sold and I have to sell the rest for a third (or so) of the prize I bought them.

Downloading also allows me to give more artists (especially new and obscure ones) a chance to get listened, because downloading cost nothing.

kids with 12 or 13 years old burning churches, killing animals to drink blood, walking at street in the morning of afternoon with corpsepaint, black metal t-shirts and the arms filled with inches... invoking Satan (even once a group of kids gave me a invitation to the "satan church", a place where all black and metal fans must be in)

One can only hope they will grow out of it. I haven't seen or heart of kids doing stupid around my area in Germany but I sure there are some somewhere too.


And more important: how can a kid appreciate an album when he listened to other 10 (for example) before that? The answer is that he simply listen to just a couple of songs. I try to image a kid that download the whole Vintersorg discography and start listen to it… damn! I spent countless moons on “Till Fjälls” listened to it over and over (I’m doing the same with “Origin” now).

Because of the Internet and downloads I know many more “good” artist than I used to and because of this I seldom listen to one album for a few weeks straight like I used to. But as long as I buy the album that's positive for the artist/music industry, isn't it?
I download a lot.

I buy as much as I can afford.

I certainly won't let a money issue keep me from enjoying whats most important for me in life : music.

And again, I buy as much as I can afford.

And for metal-archives, I got to know a lot of good bands by that website. I don't see anything wrong with this.
I discovered many fine bands through downloading including Vintersorg and Borknagar
and if there's something I like and is available and I can afford it then I buy it

I see downloading as having a promo for stuff I'm gonna's a hell lot better than listening to fragments of an album in a store using headphones that have been used by thousends.
this way i know exactly what i'm buying.

now as for downloaded music I don't like...I usually erase or burn it and never touch it again...same as listening to an album in a cd shop and not buying it.

now as fot metal-archives...
I really don't see anything wrong with a metal database providing info for the headbanging public...
what you do with the info is your business...even if it's memorizing facts all day and feeding that great curiosity to the oint of having no life.
to put in someone else's words "I don't hate Marilyn Manson, I hate MM fans"
or "Don't hate the game, hate the player(fo shizzle:lol: )"
on the topic of downloads:Because of the Internet and downloads I know many more “good” artist than I used to and because of this I seldom listen to one album for a few weeks straight like I used to. But as long as I buy the album that's positive for the artist/music industry, isn't it?

It's the same for me, I download too then buy original. But the point is that lot of people just download music without listen to it and than they say they know every band... they though that downloading an album = know this artist and this is untrue!
Haha, what? You would support murder and arson if it weren't for the strict punishments? :guh:

No! guys like Faust and Varg only got like 10 years in Norway for Murder, it would be 20years+ or death row in the states. There would be alot more crimes if the law wasn't so brutal here, I know because I have talked to criminals in Jail. The arsons are dumb, if you burn a church down its not going to destroy any religion, they will just rebuild it its a pointless immature cause. I also think murder is dumb here because our prisons here are like barbaric dungeons, and I would rather die than go to prison for life for killing somebody for a dumb reason.
Well, about the Little Posers...They only make me laugh, also in my school there ere some young boys or girls with metal band shirt, and if you ask them: "Oh Good, Very good band, what are your favoutite album of?" They are not able to answer, or they say" uhm...I don't know, I bought this shirt 'cause it was pretty":ill:

About downloading music, I Think that if you want to listen to something new, or know new band, that is very useful...also nowadays cd's prices are getting more and more expensive ( Talking About Italy)...
And it depends also from band to band, Usually, for my favourite artists I try to ge the original copy.

:) If you want some rare metal/rock cd come to Pavia, at Matrix Shop, here you can find everything you want.
I do download music, and i think it has its uses. What bothers me is people who go to torrent sites and just downloads full albums systematically.
When i download and check out new bands i just take a few random songs, and then stop there, and later when i get some spare cash i buy the albums that seem most promising, or if theres a new album coming from an artist that i like i get it imediatly.
I do download music, and i think it has its uses. What bothers me is people who go to torrent sites and just downloads full albums systematically.
When i download and check out new bands i just take a few random songs, and then stop there, and later when i get some spare cash i buy the albums that seem most promising, or if theres a new album coming from an artist that i like i get it imediatly.

This is exactly what I was talking about! This is the best way of use the web and I think that if everyone act in the same way music download could also help the musicians
I discovered many fine bands through downloading including Vintersorg and Borknagar
and if there's something I like and is available and I can afford it then I buy it

I see downloading as having a promo for stuff I'm gonna's a hell lot better than listening to fragments of an album in a store using headphones that have been used by thousends.
this way i know exactly what i'm buying.

now as for downloaded music I don't like...I usually erase or burn it and never touch it again...same as listening to an album in a cd shop and not buying it.

now as fot metal-archives...
I really don't see anything wrong with a metal database providing info for the headbanging public...
what you do with the info is your business...even if it's memorizing facts all day and feeding that great curiosity to the oint of having no life.

More or less the same with me.
Downloading music is a case-by-case issue...

All recording companies hate it when you do it.

Some bands give a shit.

Some don't.

Dan Swano has said he doesn't give a damn if someone downloads his music, so long as people are listening to it. But I doubt his friend Akerfelt from Opeth feels the same, as he has a lot more to lose financially from people not buying his albums as a result of downloading.

It's hard to make money as a musician, unless you're real big. But recording companies do rip us off. Puchasing music is not cheap; I can afford to buy CDs, as opposed to downloading everything I want, and it's not a trivial amount of money.
I have a question. If the band has split up since quite a while, do the members still get money from sold records?
I have a question. If the band has split up since quite a while, do the members still get money from sold records?

I'm not sure. Varies from contract to contract? My brother is a musician, and I remember the few times he's recorded the small-time guys basically get to own everything. But if you have more leverage you can protect your intellectual property better (like Yoko Ono does with John Lennon's stuff).