thoughts about downloading

gaz said:
All you who are against downloading music, I ask you this.
What is the difference between d/l music and having software programs on your machine that you haven't paid for ?

Both are illegal and the person who created the software/music isn't getting paid for it.

I am willing to be the the anti mp3 people have software on there pc that hasn't been paid for.

Principally you're right, but the big difference is that major software developers earns their money from companies, who generally pay for software, while peers would rather not by programs due to costs.

With music, they are artists who rather often don't get to see a dime until they reached a considerable amount of 'fame'. If you rip them off, you only leave space for main stream products, which in the end would kill the creativity and the variety of music.

Personally I download out of interest. And if I find the band or artist interesting, I'll pay for their work. If not, I don't keep on listening to it and I erase it from my hard drive, because I can’t have shit occupying valuable space.

Stay grey and heavy!
I download however I also purchase it. Had it not been for the internet I would not have known about any of the bands I listen to today. The only problem is that I have a hard time tracking the albums down. (Especially if you live in Denmark)
I download all the stuff that I cannot easily find. I was lucky enough to come across most Evergrey at my local Best Buy (had to search long and hard for In Search Of Truth and Recreation Day though...) so I never "pirated" any of their music. I can't purchase off the internet, and the town I live in has very little in the way of buying music (so its hard for me to come across any of the cds I want!). Best Buy and Circuit City are not the best places to find Anathema, Katatonia, Porcupine Tree, Symphony X, Pain Of Salvation, King's X, etc.....So I download some tunes to hold me over till I can find the record and buy it. I do support my artists, as I do buy the records, go to concerts, buy merchandise, and I love giving fellow kids crap at school because all any of them own are burned CDs, while my record collection continues to grow.

Oh and I personally very much enjoy buying albums I've never heard before. Same goes for bands to. Thats how I got into the music I'm into.
Hey have you checked out, you can download, share, and make cash all at the same time, you also get to sample before you buy....and its just for metal heads
I want to ask u all about my problem k
here in lebanon it is hard to find some of the cds so i have to download the album but if i can get my hands on it i will be Delighted to buy the cd. so what do you think of me when i download?? a theft or what