
I've pre-ordered it, and wasn't going to complain when a friend let me hear it yesterday. One listen and I'm blown away, and even more eager for my copy to arrive on the doorstep. I will wear the VIP shirt with pride and an ear-to-ear grin!
Bah, now comes the point where I'm dying to hear the album but have to slap myself when I think about it. Not that there's a question of buying or not (of course I'll buy), but I want my first listen to be from the original cd. I'm killing myself here :(

I'm with you there mate, had a friend who's downloaded it, which is fair play to him, but I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and wait for it to come to my door ... by which time I shall most likely jump up and down like a 12 year old and rip the packaging off before I eagerly shove it into my cd player ... you don't get that with a download ^ ^.

Not of course, that I frown upon anyone else for downloading it ... just my own opinion!! :o)
temptation is luring >_>

but i think i'm gonna wait... i can still chew on 'Fail' for a month :lol:, like a never-flavour-losing bubbelgum...

that... and my i'm gonna run out of internet if i download stuff like that (or watch youtube for that matter)... me needs precious webz
By the way, what happened to "You Made Us Fall"?

Since I'm not downloading Torn to my computer until I rip it directly from the pre-ordered CD I can only use the tools already available to solve this mystery. I just went back and listened to the studio reports. If you listen to studio report #4 when Tom mentions that he's working on "You Made Us Fall" all the music in that video is contained in "Fail." My theory is that "You Made Us Fall" was the working title to what eventually became "Fail" as we know it. More eveidence to support my theory is found if you read the last line to the lyrics for "Fail" we compiled in the other thread, I think it becomes even more clear:

And how, cause all you really did was just to make us fall...
"you made us fall" was renamed "fail" to asnwer some dude's question. anyways,feeling guilty for downloading an album is bullshit. You obviously support the band enough anyway,so if you wanted it on your pc as well than you deserve that,end of story. I already pre ordered,and im definitly downloading,when I know I can hear it earlier.
I agree it doesn't have the same feel as going to the store and buying the album or in this case getting it in the mail. But for me, I actually enjoy the feeling of knowing an album and then experiencing it in a new light with the booklet and all the little liner notes afterward. Maybe that's because I'm pretty into the downloading age but that's how I am.

My thoughts exactly. Hearing it onmu computer,sort of like a warm up,and then sitting down with the lyrics and booklet art and letting the puzzle sorta come together,i like that even better than putting on the CD and not know anything of whats in store^^

*sorry for double posting (and yes,all the music in the background on the studio diarys on "you made us fall" are the same as "fail",PLUS they probably renamed it so it didnt sound so much as "when kingdoms FALL",hehe* again,sorry
man i've came so close to getting the torrent it's not funny i think i've nearly tried like 6 times. Of course i've ordered the VIP package man i'm going crazy knowing i could listen to it right now but i think i'll hold out i like to hear it fresh from the package.
Oh Caught in a Lie is the bonus track.. Where can you read that? I haven't since I suggested different:P
I have the whole album in mp3 format since monday.
I am not going to listen to it carefully until I pre-order it.
The PayPal website sucks!!!
I've already pre-ordered the ultimate Torn version from Evergrey directly and I am one of the biggest Evergrey fans on earth and I've bought every one of their albums multiple times, so I feel no guilt for getting to hear a sneak peek of the album I've already paid for. Anyway... just listened to Torn all the way through and I think that Evergrey putting up the video teasers was a huge mistake because I listened to them so much that I expected certain parts of the songs to lead into the sections that were on the video teasers. Now I have to re-learn the songs properly! :goggly:

"These Scars" is easily the best song on the album. Carina sounds AMAZING on this song. Better than I've ever heard her. I have no clue on earth why Tom doesn't use her in more songs like on other albums. As always, Tom is in perfect form as well on this album. I love the prog part at the end. This song is the Evergrey formula I love!!!

Fear is another highlight with that really heavy beginning riff. It really rocks!

Overall, the album is killer and Evergrey is back in prime form. There are some production "taste" issues but nothing that really hurts the album from being enjoyed. Pre-order Torn NOW!!!

Welcome back Evergrey!
Album is really great but all the previous albums are better(I'm talking about masterpieces here).
One thing I don't like on this album is a modern sound like the beginning of sounds like some nu "metal".

Still,I can't wait to buy Torn!!!!!

You made it...again!:)
I don't know what this album has of killer. Looks like Englund is running in circles. If you have In Search For Truth and Recreation Day, Torn is pretty much disposable.

Eh, no, it's far from disposable. It is a great album even though it is not the best. I don't know why everyone seems to rank In Search of Truth as the best album thus far, as I find Recreation Day, The Inner Circle and (yes, some will kill me for this) Monday Morning Apocalypse at least as good if not better. I would say Torn is as good as ISoT while lacking some epic masterpieces (Mark of the Triangle, Different Worlds and Misled).