Music Downloading and his consequences

You go to school don't you? There's a little thing called "studiebidrag"... :p

Only have "barnbidrag". Börjar gymnasium om ungefär ett halvår. Dessvärre så går ju hälften av barnbidraget till föräldrarna. Så jag tjänar ungefär 450 i månaden och det skulle räcka till två-fyra album om jag inte vart tvungen att köpa grejer till Basgitarren. Strängar ligger runt 4-500 t.ex-.-
Only have "barnbidrag". Börjar gymnasium om ungefär ett halvår. Dessvärre så går ju hälften av barnbidraget till föräldrarna. Så jag tjänar ungefär 450 i månaden och det skulle räcka till två-fyra album om jag inte vart tvungen att köpa grejer till Basgitarren. Strängar ligger runt 4-500 t.ex-.- andra ord får du råd med fler skivor när du börjar ettan...
I download a fair bit, but I am picky with what I download. I especially like to look out for deleted demos and EP's which are no longer pressed.

I find downloading to be a "precursor" to owning the recordings.

As for Metal Archives, the site rocks.

I completely agree with you; I find that there is no harm in hearing things before you buy them, however - buying albums from distro's is probably not the best way to support an artist anyway (as the label takes most of that money). I prefer to buy other items (shirts, albums, etc). directly from the bands website if possible, or at shows.

Of course, those who just download everything without even trying to buy the music (especially if they love it) aren't helping anyone but themselve's.
Hon hetter Anna, Anna heter hon
Och hon kan banna, banna dig så hårt
Hon röjer upp i våran kanal
Jag vill berätta för dig, att jag känner en bott

That's probably the most annoying song I've ever heard. For some strange reason some people think it's funny:(
His DotA one is funnier, just more obscure...

It's funny if you're into online gaming. I play casually with my friends, but there's a whole subculture to it... Anna is a bot and the DotA song are hilariously unrealistic depictions of the life of gamers. Just imagine this incredibly hot girl in a miniskirt spending all day moderating an online voice server for a small, relatively obscure group of people playing online games. ^^
yeah DotA is pretty hilarious
I think Anna is sitting next to him in the DotA video.
I don't think Botten Anna is about's about chatrooms
and the unrealism of it all is when you're constantly chatting and playing Warcraft 3 when exactly do you have time to go clubbing...
it's like that episode of southpark about World of Warcraft=>
online gaming = fat with pimples
About downloading. I have never ever downloaded a single song from the internet and yet I get along just fine in life and music. I have a collection that spans 1300+ cds and all styles of hardrock and metal. Of course I've bought a few cds which I then discovered weren't that good. That's part of the charm for me though. I love placing an order for 4-5 albums/bands I've never heard (=only heard OF) and then sitting down in my comfy sofa to listen through them. If the album really, really sucks I sell it at Tradera or Ebay and get half/a third of my money back. That money is then used to buy another album. That way I can buy a really good album (or another bad one hahaha) for half the cost :lol: A fool's logic, I know, but it works for me :)
I just noticed this thread is titled "Music download and HIS consequences." I can't figure out how that typo was made.

If I'm not mistaken, Borknagar (the OP) is a native speaker of either Spanish or Portuguese, both of which use genders for nouns. So I'm guessing that Music downloading in his language is male. And therefore the translation glitch.
Rivfadír;5874960 said:
If I'm not mistaken, Borknagar (the OP) is a native speaker of either Spanish or Portuguese, both of which use genders for nouns. So I'm guessing that Music downloading in his language is male. And therefore the translation glitch.

Sus, the noun that would be used for its, is gender neutral.
yeah, but you can translate "sus" to "his", "her" or "its" and he chose the wrong alternative ;)

the sentence context was its

"y sus consecuencias..."

"and its consequences..."

Spanish is the language that is more gender specific (regular nouns have gender), so if it's gender neutral in Spanish, would make more sense to keep it gender unspecific in English! That's why the mistake is funny. =) Not ragging on him, I'm learning French (again) and I'm hilariously bad at it.

In fact, when I was in high school learning French for the first time, my Spanish caused my classmates and I to make an even more hilarious mistake... in Spanish, with is con, and in French it's avec, and we kept replacing avec with con, and in French con is something quite vulgar... imagine French essays with con littered everywhere...
the sentence context was its

"y sus consecuencias..."

"and its consequences..."

Spanish is the language that is more gender specific (regular nouns have gender), so if it's gender neutral in Spanish, would make more sense to keep it gender specific in English! That's why the mistake is funny. =) Not ragging on him, I'm learning French (again) and I'm hilariously bad at it.

In fact, when I was in high school learning French for the first time, my Spanish caused my classmates and I to make an even more hilarious mistake... in Spanish, with is con, and in French it's avec, and we kept replacing avec with con, and in French con is something quite vulgar... imagine French essays with con littered everywhere...

lol...that is hilarious
french is quite a language...I also forgot most of what I know
je me peigne mes chevaux
when I was skiing, I was going down on a slippery salope lol

I love multilingual humor