Music Festivals


Active Member
Jul 4, 2002
I know there was a thread about this before, but I thought an up-to-date one wouldn't hurt.

Festivals are SO much fun. I'm going to one next week, Wednesday to the following Monday. It's not even all about the music, I just love camping in a field for a few nights, hanging out with friends and getting really drunk, checking out new bands etc. And it's just generally a nice, fun atmosphere.

So who's going to a festival this summer? I'd love to venture out to some of the mainland European festivals, but sadly I'm going to be restricted to the ones we have here (this year at least), none of which have really good line-ups.
Doom said:
It's not even all about the music
Exactly. Festivals aren't meant for seeing a bunch of great bands, they are just a good excuse to have drunkensunfun and maybe catch a few decent tunes.

Already went to Coachella, will probably go to Street Scene as well since Tool and Queens are gonna be there. :rock:
The one I'm going to next week, Tool are headlining one of the days, so I've been really trying to get into them recently (not with total success) having pretty much dismissed them in the past. I reckon they'll be interesting live though.

Every time I go to one, I go away with a long list of things I should have taken with me, but I always forget. At the moment my list is right down to the essentials, beer and clothes. Not that I even really change my clothes much, haha.
NADatar said:
Exactly. Festivals aren't meant for seeing a bunch of great bands, they are just a good excuse to have drunkensunfun and maybe catch a few decent tunes.

Already went to Coachella, will probably go to Street Scene as well since Tool and Queens are gonna be there. :rock:
if you look at it backwards, it looks like the whelk is fucking its shell