Music Importer (ex-Cd Inzane)

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I got an email from him about it. I honestly find that a bit galling. If you closed down cause you drowned under do you not have the capital for a new shop? Doesn't add up at all, imo.
So... This is funny to me. And it doesn't sound right.

Zane went "out of business" before sort of out of the blue, right? That means that shit-ton of merchandise that he had didn't just go away. It's not like he blew it all out in mega sales. All of that inventory is still sitting in some warehouse/storage/garage somewhere. And he had tons of imports right?

So wouldn't it make sense to assume that he already owns the inventory he's asking for people to "fund" ?

Additionally, the following seem inflated to me. I really don't think $17,000+ have to be spent right off the bat for a business like that:

Networking, Computers, Package SW, Exchange and other HW: $4000
Website Graphics and Integration: $3000
Website Developers - DB Code, MySQL and Exchange costs: $10150

Not to mention that "Music Store Employee" for 6 months where the employee has to pay in order for it to happen... Man, Zane must have terrible lawyers if he doesn't realize how bad this could end for him...

Asking for $25,000 for people to have the privilege of then spending more money in his store is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. It doesn't add up. It seems very shady to be honest.
Completely different story, to the point that you can't even compare. Will just leave at that.

Not to mention that "Music Store Employee" for 6 months where the employee has to pay in order for it to happen... Man, Zane must have terrible lawyers if he doesn't realize how bad this could end for him...

We're poking fun in the same ways, methinks. I'm saying that paying 5k to be a contract employee for six months is like the world's worst tour buy-in, like paying non-refundable money to get onto a Paul Dianno tour...
Did the people who had outstanding preorders with CD Inzane get refunds? I think the crowdfunding campaign is incredibly dumb but I'm more curious if he tied up the loose ends with his old company or if he intends to just move the inventory to his new company and pretend there aren't any outstanding liabilities.
What a chump. Pretty obvious to me that he is running an unsustainable business, and no one will finance him. Seems like SOUND investment to me. Don't envy his position, as a business owner, but I don't like his business or his practices.
This is a big joke...I won't spend my money on the guy's new store or when he has a table at this years PP. The guy has been nothing but a displeasure to deal with. What's next for him, doing a crowd funding drive asking for money so he can bring cds to PP and give people an opportunity to purchase from him? Ooh, and if you give him only $1,000.00, you will have the opportunity to buy him dinner!!! But hurry, only 3 available!! Man, just go away!!
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