Music of 2012

Ewww, Panzer Division? Ewwwwwwwww.

I think we can agree that the changes Marduk have made to their sound are nowhere near Killa Kop status :lol: And while I don't always agree with the changes bands make, I'd rather they grow their sound than remain in place and stagnate...even if that means they grow beyond the things I like about them. It is their band after all, they're not bound to make music that you like only.

If I like a band because of their sound and style then no I do not want them to change....most bands only get worse when they change, not all but most and in the case of Marduk I do not care one bit for their new style...their old style was what made them special, that was the marduk sound, now they just sound like any other orthodox black metal band...
If I like a band because of their sound and style then no I do not want them to change....most bands only get worse when they change, not all but most and in the case of Marduk I do not care one bit for their new style...their old style was what made them special, that was the marduk sound, now they just sound like any other orthodox black metal band...

Look. You may not like where bands go when they decide to shift stylistically, but the harsh reality is that it's their choice to do so. Are you into the same music you were 10 years ago? 15? I'm not. Not by a long shot. I don't think it's realistic or fair to ask an artist to put themselves in a box creatively for the sake of their fans...and yet the most common criticism I read when someone didn't like something is "baww, this isn't their old stuff." Of course it's not, who the hell lives ten years without changing at all? You never consider incorporating anything else into your music? What about five years from now? Are you going to step into the studio and say...'alright, let's do the same thing with did the other three times we did this."
"baww, this isn't their old stuff."
"baww, this isn't different from their old stuff."

I could give two shits about either complaint.
Look. You may not like where bands go when they decide to shift stylistically, but the harsh reality is that it's their choice to do so. Are you into the same music you were 10 years ago? 15? I'm not. Not by a long shot. I don't think it's realistic or fair to ask an artist to put themselves in a box creatively for the sake of their fans...and yet the most common criticism I read when someone didn't like something is "baww, this isn't their old stuff." Of course it's not, who the hell lives ten years without changing at all? You never consider incorporating anything else into your music? What about five years from now? Are you going to step into the studio and say...'alright, let's do the same thing with did the other three times we did this."

I do listen to most of the music I listened to ten years ago and I do not see the problem with that? It is still good music so no need to stop listening to it I do however listen to a hell of a lot more music today then back then but that is irrelevant.
What is relevant however is why I like a band in the first place and that is because I like their music and if they change their music style I do not see the problem with not approving as a fan if they do not make the kind of music I like anymore?? As a fan I have every right to disapprove of a new style or sound if it is not to my liking. And of course every artist have the artistic freedom to do what ever the fuck they want but it is ignorant to believe that fans who liked the old style will automatically like the new style as is very much a rockstar hybris behaviour to throw things like that in the face of the fans for not liking changes. You say it is the most common criticism and yes it probably is, and for good reason! Most fans probably like me like a band for what they are right there and then, not for what they are going to change into in five years. It is a good chance those fans wouldn't have ever liked the band in the first place if they had sounded like that to begin with.

Marduk might however not have made these radical and super big changes...they are still a pure black metal band it is just today I think they sound like so many other bands do. Ten years ago however they sounded like Marduk and no one sounded like them. Put some old Marduk on and it is instantly recognisable as Marduk and put the latest cd on and at least I cannot tell that is Marduk until the vocals come in and then it could just as well be Funeral Mist....
There are plenty of bands that have changed so much they've drifted out of my favor too. I'm listening to Satyricon right now...and their new stuff is terrible :lol: I'm certainly not asking anyone to like things they're not interested in, I'm asking them to construct arguments more complex than "ew, this is new." You have at least described what you don't like about it.

I was beating this horse for months while everyone was whining about Opeth too :lol: