mmm...because i can't stand hacks who steal from other musicans. hell they didn't even the intelligence to even add a note to the song the they actually are more idiotic then that rapper who did ice ice baby after stealing under pressure from queen.
the fact that they change their appearance and music to copy off the current "trend" killers fall out boy and afi are 3 that leap to mind. oh and as to my father, nope he was listening to bach and the like.
Shut up. It takes fucking HEAPS of balls to come onto a CoB forum and tell people you have good taste in music. Laiho has stolen from classical composers for his riffs and solos countless times, but you wouldn't bring that shit up because every dumb ass punk who makes the claim "all music sucks" just listens to shitty five MTV calibur metal bands and acts as if their superior to all else. Aiden has been along for a long time by the way. Who are you trying to impress here? Are you cool for telling us emo is dumb, or are you cool for being able to recognize AFI songs?
Chances are the girl probably didn't like the CD you put on in the first place. So the second its her turn you turn around and start bitching like a little baby. I used to work in a music store where we were only aloud to play a selected list of music approved by head office. Guess how many bands on that list we were all into? You are getting paid, and the entire world isn't just going to blast thrash metal at you at all times for your amusement, selfish prick.
Congratulations on your first year of college, stop acting like its your first year in high school.