Music tastes link to personality


Carta's > Sex
Sorry to open up another thread, but I stumbled across this quite intresting piece of news:

What are your thoughts about it?
I think that to some extent it might be true; yeah, yeah, "generalization is bad!!!11", but I can only feel that some of those "stereotypes" are quite true, on a certain level. Plus, for once we metalheads (well, most of us here are more than just metalheads, but anyway, deep inside, we are) aren't stereotyped as "eevile men that do baaaad things and damage things up". Plus, we're gentle, and dance fans are not :lol:

Seriosly though, what are your thoughts?
I stumbled across this yesterday, and it was an intriguing read....

I've long felt that there was a clear link between the two, it's comforting to know that it appears to be true.....most appealing to me was the "Pop music fans are uncreative" bit....

I don't know if it's entirely true though, when they say that heavy metal fans are generally gentle. It really depends on the subgenre. Someone who listens to Disturbed, Slipknot, and Godsmack all day has a higher douchbag rating, in my opinion, than someone who listens to Novembre, Opeth, and Devin Townsend.
I saw it aswell, It also said people who like metal enjoy classical. I adore classical as do most of my metal friends. Show me someone who likes rap or pop:puke: who likes classical, I dont know any!!!
I stumbled across this yesterday, and it was an intriguing read....

I've long felt that there was a clear link between the two, it's comforting to know that it appears to be true.....most appealing to me was the "Pop music fans are uncreative" bit....

I don't know if it's entirely true though, when they say that heavy metal fans are generally gentle. It really depends on the subgenre. Someone who listens to Disturbed, Slipknot, and Godsmack all day has a higher douchbag rating, in my opinion, than someone who listens to Novembre, Opeth, and Devin Townsend.

Guess it was initially divided into subgenres, as the article says "over 104 musical style", either they didn't sort the results or BBCNews didn't publish all of them.
Heh. There might be some truth in it, but I'm sure it was oversimplified for the rest of us. I do like classical, though... and now I can simultaneously have high and low self esteem.
I saw it aswell, It also said people who like metal enjoy classical. I adore classical as do most of my metal friends. Show me someone who likes rap or pop:puke: who likes classical, I dont know any!!!

I like metal, rap and classical, does that make me special? You seem like one of those metal kids who are certain that all hiphop/rap require zero talent and is all about boo-TAY and asses and thAngZ;yo!
Maybe you all should check the ennegram of personality or the myers-briggs type indicator. I, personally don't trust too much about this kinds of research, or whatever. Usually they have an stereotypical approach to human being in general (which is clearly "personality", just a stereotypification too have some kind of "control" over people). In terms of music, if that was the "truth" (which, to me, doesn't exist) there would be no more development in music and no chances to enjoy a vast amount of styles.

Another thing: We "are" not alone, we are in relationships. So is much more a "social thing" (that's music, other kind of language that escape to the prison of the words)
One part that interested me was the link between people who listened to metal and being withdrawn so to speak, I suppose you would have to put genre? It is an interesting article at the least!!
99% dismissing it until I find out more about their sources/studies. I could have told you every single one of those descriptions a year ago, except they'd be stereotypes back then.
There is indeed good hip hop out there. You just got to dig through the crap(souljaboy LOL) to find it. As for the study it sounds about right.