music videos

CaGeD iN

Wandering on Ypres Rd.
ummmm, when i get like bored or like pissed or sad, i sometimes make different anime music videos minus the anime, cuz lots of people do it with anime, i just do it with pictures, so far i have only made two:
katatonia - gone
ablaze my sorrow - suicide
the katatonia one was originally gonna be for WoY but i needed a shorter song, because the program i am currently using only can hold 50 pictures and at the slowest setting it doesnt go very long, tell me what you think plz, and Dave, would you want me to do one for WoY?
Maybe not the kind of metal most of ppl in here are listening to but I once did an anime music vid for "The End of all Hope" by Nightwish but I hope you like it anyway. I don't really know when I did it actually. Should be ~3 years ago. It's still my first and only vid:

Caged In: Nice Idea to zoom in and out of the pictures so it does not get boring as a simple slideshow does. The choice of pics in the katatonia vid is great. Where do you got that pic of the hand drawing it's own ball and chain from? I like that :)
I would actually like to make a music video with some Thrash songs. However, I would likely use some car racing footage (from my own car :p) or even some of my Battlefield 2 matches would be fun. But I'm too lazy to record the stuff and then have to edit it all together.

Otherwise, cool :p
i mainly spent hours on google searching for images and other search engines, last time i checked i didnt see any WoY vids on there so that must be recent. I use muvee or something like that, it automatically zooms for you. Thidrek, that was excellent, and for your first, that was amazing, great work!
imho it depends on what it is of

edit: thidrek, you made me remember how good that movie was, it just finished downloading :D im gonna watch it now...

AGREEDD, ONE OF MY FAVOURITE ANIME MOVIES. LOVE IT! good editing in that video thidrek.. good job, caged in.
I'm glad you like it :)

and yeah, it's one of the greatest anime ever!
another reason for choosing it was that it is the only anime on my hdd without subtitles which are really annoying... ;)
Maybe not the kind of metal most of ppl in here are listening to but I once did an anime music vid for "The End of all Hope" by Nightwish but I hope you like it anyway. I don't really know when I did it actually. Should be ~3 years ago. It's still my first and only vid:
YouTube - Princess Mononoke - End Of All Hope

Caged In: Nice Idea to zoom in and out of the pictures so it does not get boring as a simple slideshow does. The choice of pics in the katatonia vid is great. Where do you got that pic of the hand drawing it's own ball and chain from? I like that :)

I LOVE NIGHTWISH! Good shit. But, i am not into anime whatsoever so...
Someone did one for "Shedding the Deadwood":

YouTube - Woods Of Ypres - Shedding The Deadwood
wow. that reminds me of a project i was planning to do*put on hiatus for now* i was gonna create a video/videos for the whole Pursuit of the sun... Album. nothing but me. a friend. a video camera. and a cabin in the middle of nowhere during the winter up in the Prince George area of BC. i hope i can get it going again after i finally finish school
i put up one with eternal tears of sorrow - as i die, just use the link above to get it cuz it wont pop up on the search thing for a while, i really tried on this one and i think it turned out real good, i made it after i found out two of my good friends died in a car crash so that sets the mood.