Musical Enlightenment

NineFeetUnderground said:
i have heard the new album. anyone who took darkthrone "seriously" at ANY point should be shot in the face with a 12 gauge. no black metal is "serious"...thats not my point. im just saying musically...darkthrone have stuck to the primitive and regressive ideals blackmetal was formed in. enslaved have always taken one step forward and two steps to the side.
very nicely said
NineFeetUnderground said:
thats something people with shit taste always say.

similar to how parents tell their ugly kids that beauty is on the inside.

Hey!! I KNOW you've used that one before :lol:
Do you take requests?
I've never understood the concept of somebody having immature musical tastes. Is it cool to list obscure bands? Does that make you a mature music listener? Not everybody has the time to hunt down what isn't readily available to them.

Sure, finding Opeth opened new musical doors for me, but it didn't make me an elitist.
I think, while hard to quantify, there definitely is maturity in terms of musical tastes. But, i certainly don't think it is just listing the most obscure bands you can - that can be just as immature as slipknot adoration. Maturity in music probably depends as much on how you yourself listen to music as to the music itself; please don't tell me that the average metalhead reflects deeply on the plethora of aural qualities to said music, carefully evaluating all it's merits in a balanced, patient manner. Ive heard many people buy cds based on artwork alone. Yes, even I (gasp!) sometimes form an opinion before the end of the first song (intro of more than a minute? damn this band to hell! I hate you! i will see your children in their cold, hard graves or kill thousands trying!).

Music is art, and just as art reflects life, so does maturity in musical tastes reflect maturity in the listener. You cannot expect perfectly mature musical tastes, as most people really are just not that mature. Not me though. Im totally awesome, and above you all. Especially Mr White. Man that guy has nothing on me, not in tetris, not in anything.

ps. If you do not believe in musical maturity, then answer me this: how many bands that you were passionate about 5 years ago do you still adore? And if you no longer love them, then why? Is it the music that has changed, or you yourself?
MetalManCPA said:
I've never understood the concept of somebody having immature musical tastes. Is it cool to list obscure bands? Does that make you a mature music listener? Not everybody has the time to hunt down what isn't readily available to them.

Sure, finding Opeth opened new musical doors for me, but it didn't make me an elitist.

you really have nfu pegged now don't you :notworthy
the_3_toed_sloth said:
I think, while hard to quantify, there definitely is maturity in terms of musical tastes. But, i certainly don't think it is just listing the most obscure bands you can - that can be just as immature as slipknot adoration. Maturity in music probably depends as much on how you yourself listen to music as to the music itself; please don't tell me that the average metalhead reflects deeply on the plethora of aural qualities to said music, carefully evaluating all it's merits in a balanced, patient manner. Ive heard many people buy cds based on artwork alone. Yes, even I (gasp!) sometimes form an opinion before the end of the first song (intro of more than a minute? damn this band to hell! I hate you! i will see your children in their cold, hard graves or kill thousands trying!).

Music is art, and just as art reflects life, so does maturity in musical tastes reflect maturity in the listener. You cannot expect perfectly mature musical tastes, as most people really are just not that mature. Not me though. Im totally awesome, and above you all. Especially Mr White. Man that guy has nothing on me, not in tetris, not in anything.

ps. If you do not believe in musical maturity, then answer me this: how many bands that you were passionate about 5 years ago do you still adore? And if you no longer love them, then why? Is it the music that has changed, or you yourself?

the_3_toed_sloth said:
ps. If you do not believe in musical maturity, then answer me this: how many bands that you were passionate about 5 years ago do you still adore? And if you no longer love them, then why? Is it the music that has changed, or you yourself?

ooohh! this is true, and pretty interesting to think about!! there is a difference between taste and maturity. both though, are still entirely subjective. taste is the constant that drives musical maturation. maturation is the measurement of taste over time. taste is like the IQ, but it can't be measured. Taste represents the euphoric rush experienced when music strikes someone. is there a way to measure that? who was the psychologist that believed in 8 or so forms of intelligence? anyway, musical intelligence is one of them. now, is that a measurement of an objective maturity from person to person, or is it a measurement of the degree of taste, the feelings associated with music?
may i ask what denotes an "obscure" band in the first place? if the criteria of making something "obscure" is that the average ignorant moron on the opeth forum doesnt know what it is....then thats pretty fuckin sad. Most "obscure" bands are garbage...most popular bands are garbage for that matter. I just think its silly to justify ones own laziness and ignorance on other people by saying THEY are elitists...rather than just admiting your own short comings. Cant take the heat...then take a hike.
RjBeals said:
I'll check it out. Also, I think it was you who mentioned Shpongle - good call. You ever heard any DJ Zrip? thats good stuff also. And I've really been getting into the Cafe del Mar mixes. Ambient stuff.

it wasnt me who recommended shpongle but i'll second that any day. lovely band.

never heard of dj zip, just put it on my list. thanks :Saint: