Musical Enlightenment

the_3_toed_sloth said:
thick, husky voice of Tricky himself in combination with the strong yet sweet female vocals of his then girlfriend, whose name escapes me. QUOTE]

Martina Topley-Bird, whose album 'Quixotic' is also pretty good.

I have to list:

Gridlock: "Further" & "Trace"
Mum: "Finally We Are No One"
Callisto: "True Nature Unfolds"
Lamb: "What Sound"
Dalek: "Absence"

Stuff by Twerk, Metamatics, Proem, and Minotaur Shock have been making some rounds in my cd player, as well as CTRL - "Loaded Weapons and Darkened Days".
NineFeetUnderground said:
enslaved has never really been tied to "what black metal is all about" say a band like darkthrone fits that description a little better. haven't heard the new album then?

It turns out Darkthrone have been taking the piss all along.

Just a bunch of hippies who couldn't play psychadelic rock so turned to BM instead.

I used to hate them but since discovering this I love them

Too Old Too Cold

Like a BM motorhead, rediculous but funny.

Powers said: haven't heard the new album then?

It turns out Darkthrone have been taking the piss all along.

Just a bunch of hippies who couldn't play psychadelic rock so turned to BM instead.

I used to hate them but since discovering this I love them

Too Old Too Cold

Like a BM motorhead, rediculous but funny.


i have heard the new album. anyone who took darkthrone "seriously" at ANY point should be shot in the face with a 12 gauge. no black metal is "serious"...thats not my point. im just saying musically...darkthrone have stuck to the primitive and regressive ideals blackmetal was formed in. enslaved have always taken one step forward and two steps to the side.
It's funny to see how some people seem to believe their taste in music can be objectively superior to anybody elses...
The worth of your musical opinion is measured by the size of your penis.
Therefore, I pwn all you noobs!

:goggly: :rolleyes:
Don Corleone said:
but my latest suggestion will be dj vadim. "ussr: the art of listening" killer album (ninja tune)

I'll check it out. Also, I think it was you who mentioned Shpongle - good call. You ever heard any DJ Zrip? thats good stuff also. And I've really been getting into the Cafe del Mar mixes. Ambient stuff.