Musical Instruments


Oct 28, 2001
What instruments do you people play if any. And if so what is your fav. one. Also are any ppl here in bands, and whats the name of your band, And what kind of music do you play?
I play Guitars and do seconds on voice ( growls and i will try clean someday ). My band its called Koldun ( but of course:devil: ) we play Melodic Death Metal with jazz elements and interludes ( basic jazz cadense with improvisated solos over it )...
i play guitar and drums....i played guitar in a band called Social Animosity and now play drums in a band called G.U.N. which stands for Give Up Now (or Girls Under Nineteen;) )
i play drums and bas...
got a yamaha bas, and a tama drumkit......... want a pearl masterworks!! :D

play drums in a band called Mortal Wound, we play kinda viking/death/black thingy :lol:

I play guitar. .. Have played seriously for 11 years.



Kindof like Nevemore-Politics of Ecstasy mixed with Metallica-...And justice for all mixed with The Tea Party-Splendor Solis mixed with Cynic, with a little bit of death and martyr on the side.

-WebPage up soon...
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I play some acoustic guitar, but I'm
not good enough to play in a band :eek:P

hey! i bet anything you could put that baby in drop d and rock out in a band! :p i have all faith in you.

i play guitar and trumpet. and i had one band, spontaneous corruption, and all but one song was in drop d :D.

we had the most horrible lyrics ever possible. we'd just get too drunk to write songs and then write songs.

i do some vocals (in really wretched swedish...with stupid lyrics yet again!) for nontindöskull, a project done by a friend of mine in sweden. hehe thats just a sideproject......sigh....ive no band but a sideproject. :bah:
I play guitar and write songs, even tho I'm not in a band. My songs are "inspired" by Opeth, but with a little bit of good-old 80's metal in there.