Musical Pet Peeves

Surprisingly, I agree with almost everything posted in this thread. Thanks for not letting me down, GMD.

I'm just gonna throw it out there that the rhythm of slam death metal is a pet peeve of mine. Fuck that.
An album full of songs over 5/6/7+ minutes when it's nothing but repeating the main riff/chord progression for half of the time. Iron Maiden is real bad about this.
I hate bands who are content with producing the same record over and over again and not trying to distinguish themselves from every other metal band, which is a shit ton of bands. And what I hate more than the band doing that is their stupid fucking fans thinking their albums are amazing even though it's probably some of the most boring music and least innovative shit I've ever listened to in my life.

I can't stand bad production as mentioned above. If the sound of your album is less discernible than Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, DON'T FUCKING RELEASE THE ALBUM. This is also one of my biggest pet peeves with black metal. Newsflash assholes: I'd actually like to listen to the various instruments in the band. If all you wanted was some pussy sounding guitar riff and a fag screaming in a mic, why even waste your time recording the drums and bass?

I can't stand horrible thrash vocalists (or vocalists period), which we all hammered on the other day in that Slayer vs Hetfield argument. If you can't sing, step the fuck back from the mic please. It took me a long time when I was younger to "get in to" death metal because I thought the vocals were absolute shit. I had to ignore them for the longest time just be able to listen to the music, because it was indeed killer, but now after many years I've grown to love what death growls can do for music. However, hearing some assclown screech on an album because he's trying to pull a Halford, or sound like that dbag from Hatebreed throughout an entire album makes me want to go postal on some emo kids.

I hate people who always state they don't care what other people think of their music because they only play for themselves. That's a total fucking crock of shit. First off, if you didn't care what everyone thought of your music and make it just for yourself, then why the fuck are you SELLING your albums? Secondly, why are most metal bands so image conscious if they don't care (black metal anyone? or how about the status quo metal of attire of band tshirt, preferably black jeas, and boots/dark shoes?) about what people think of them and their music? If they truly didn't care they'd come out on stage wearing sandals and a hockey jersey or something, like Mike Portnoy does all the time. And thirdly, if they didn't give a shit about what people think about them or their music, then why tour? There would be absolutely no reason at all to tour if you didn't care, because clearly you want someone to like your shit so you can get paid. From now on, follow in Devin Townsend's footsteps and all but give up touring forever, because they guy truly gives no shit about what you think.

Edit: I've got more coming just need to eat some grub.
And what I hate more than the band doing that is their stupid fucking fans thinking their albums are amazing even though it's probably some of the most boring music and least innovative shit I've ever listened to in my life.


I can't stand bad production as mentioned above. If the sound of your album is less discernible than Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, DON'T FUCKING RELEASE THE ALBUM. This is also one of my biggest pet peeves with black metal. Newsflash assholes: I'd actually like to listen to the various instruments in the band. If all you wanted was some pussy sounding guitar riff and a fag screaming in a mic, why even waste your time recording the drums and bass?


I can't stand horrible thrash vocalists (or vocalists period), which we all hammered on the other day in that Slayer vs Hetfield argument. If you can't sing, step the fuck back from the mic please.

and Amen
I agree with everything but the production quality. Atmosphere is a huge draw for me when it comes to black metal, and it's often very closely linked to the production quality. Just imagine Filosofem with top notch production :erk:
When you think a song is about to be over and they just keep going and going and going. I don't mind repetitive riffs, but when the natural closing point of a song arrives, close it!
-When a song builds up to an assumed climax, only to not go into an awesome riff, Agalloch is occasionally guilty of this. Its such a tease and leaves me with an unsatisfied ear-boner.

EDIT: Also, a certain type of growl, I think November's Doom uses it in the chorus of "Rain." It kinda sounds like a British guy with down syndrome trying to growl.
-When a song builds up to an assumed climax, only to not go into an awesome riff, Agalloch is occasionally guilty of this. Its such a tease and leaves me with an unsatisfied ear-boner.

EDIT: Also, a certain type of growl, I think November's Doom uses it in the chorus of "Rain." It kinda sounds like a British guy with down syndrome trying to growl.

That pisses me off so much. Like in Venom's "At War with Satan" at around 9:52.
Drumming that has a flaccid tone and little variation. This is probably the most common turn-off for me amongst albums that are otherwise decent.

Atonal screamy vocalists. Looking at you Dillinger Escape Plan and Ephel Duath.

In general albums longer than an hour.

Shitty ambient epilogue tracks a la Burzum.
-When the title track of an album isn't the first or last track.
-When a song switches between heavy and soft, or has random parts every two seconds. Opeth and Dream Theater are often guilty of this. I have no problem with dynamic changes, but I like actual defined sections.

I agree with you on both.

Vocalists with good growls who can't rasp at all.
When title tracks are short instrumentals (The Mind's I, Whoracle, etc)

I agree.

When clean and harsh vocals are used together on the same song, particularly bad when there is a clean chorus section with a random scream every few seconds. Utterly awful, it just sounds so WRONG.

I agree.

Albums longer than an hour.
Albums that have intros and outros which are pure nonsense noise.


I hate bands who are content with producing the same record over and over again and not trying to distinguish themselves from every other metal band, which is a shit ton of bands. And what I hate more than the band doing that is their stupid fucking fans thinking their albums are amazing even though it's probably some of the most boring music and least innovative shit I've ever listened to in my life.

I can't stand bad production as mentioned above. If the sound of your album is less discernible than Dimmu Borgir's Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, DON'T FUCKING RELEASE THE ALBUM. This is also one of my biggest pet peeves with black metal. Newsflash assholes: I'd actually like to listen to the various instruments in the band. If all you wanted was some pussy sounding guitar riff and a fag screaming in a mic, why even waste your time recording the drums and bass?

I hate people who always state they don't care what other people think of their music because they only play for themselves. That's a total fucking crock of shit. First off, if you didn't care what everyone thought of your music and make it just for yourself, then why the fuck are you SELLING your albums? Secondly, why are most metal bands so image conscious if they don't care (black metal anyone? or how about the status quo metal of attire of band tshirt, preferably black jeas, and boots/dark shoes?) about what people think of them and their music? If they truly didn't care they'd come out on stage wearing sandals and a hockey jersey or something, like Mike Portnoy does all the time. And thirdly, if they didn't give a shit about what people think about them or their music, then why tour? There would be absolutely no reason at all to tour if you didn't care, because clearly you want someone to like your shit so you can get paid. From now on, follow in Devin Townsend's footsteps and all but give up touring forever, because they guy truly gives no shit about what you think.

Edit: I've got more coming just need to eat some grub.

Gtfo, you wretched cunt. Also Mike Portnoy and Devin Townsend are both fags and so are you fuck you.

Also PS: You're a bad man and I hate you.