Musical Pet Peeves

I don't really hate them. They are convenient when you want to party at the family chateau.

Seems you're very into being British. If I wanted to avoid albums with anti-American sentiment I would be quite limited in what I allowed myself to listen to.
Honestly, you're a fucking pussy if you can't listen to music that is critical, or even hostile, towards your culture/nationality/religion. Shit, I enjoy some reggae that isn't very friendly towards America, especially white America.
I've been on about this for some time. Classic albums are generally classic because the album flows as a whole. These out-of-place bonus tracks just ruin the purity of that whole. An album should end in silence with you going "wow" not searching for the stop button.
Blastbeats put me off more than anything else.

Weird vocals usually ruin it for me unless the rest of the song is SPECTACULARLY good. I'm thinking lots of late 80s thrash here (Annihilator I can put up with because of Jeff Waters, not a fan of Overkill because of the vocals, Sabbat took a few listens before I could sit through it). Burzum's vocals (pre-Belus at least) are downright comical IMO. Usually if I like the song enough the vocals grow on me, though.

Shit lyrics. Some bands with language-barrier issues (early Bodom, Loudness) are brilliant but it's best to listen to the song and not the lyrics. Some early Loudness lyrics are actually quite hilarious, which isn't what I want to hear in a serious band. Although actually Loudness's lyrics aren't too bad in the grand scheme of things. Compared to lots of other bands who don't speak English as a first language at least.
Metalcore lyrics are sometimes absolutely dreadful too.
Jim Carrey is awesome, but I would rather listen to select Townsend albums or Townsend productions than watch a Jim Carrey movie.
HevyDevy is great i'd rather listen to any of his solo albums over Strapping Young Lad.

For the record:
Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution

are all amazing
Synchestra is a big pile of shit and so is everything else I've heard from Townsend (I like Love? though)

and the fact that Rush is from Canada should make you feel better about being Canadian
Synchestra is a big pile of shit and so is everything else I've heard from Townsend (I like Love? though)

and the fact that Rush is from Canada should make you feel better about being Canadian

But then again, Nickelback, Avril Lavigne, and Justin Bieber are all from Canada too.
I've been on about this for some time. Classic albums are generally classic because the album flows as a whole. These out-of-place bonus tracks just ruin the purity of that whole. An album should end in silence with you going "wow" not searching for the stop button.

Exactly. Put the fucking bonus tracks on a separate disc or don't bother.

You sure do spell Gorguts weird.

Gorguts and Rush (well, Lifeson and Peart anyways, Lee can fuck off) do redeem my country at least.