Musical Pet Peeves

Intros and Outros annoy me, they usually don't end up on my ipod.
Any band that sounds like/ copycat of Dream Theater.
I agree with Drunkards statement about horrible Thrash vocalists.
-Hidden tracks 15-35 minutes into the song preceded by silence.

-Live tracks on reissues.

-Blast beats mixed louder than the riffs.
I generally don't like fade-out endings on songs but I don't mind so much if the song is a lengthier, more emotional, and slower-paced song that gradually reaches an end.

However, I cannot stand them on faster, heavier songs when they're used to end a song prematurely. It's as if the band had gotten lazy and didn't bother to give the song a proper ending. The song will show no signs of slowing down but suddenly the fade-out effect is used and it kills the song.
However, I cannot stand them on faster, heavier songs when they're used to end a song prematurely. It's as if the band had gotten lazy and didn't bother to give the song a proper ending. The song will show no signs of slowing down but suddenly the fade-out effect is used and it kills the song.

Neon Knights. Opinions?
When a band playing a song in a minor key refuses to just bite the cheese bullet and go to the seven chord, and instead keep playing the damned five chord. I hate the five chord in minor songs! The seven chord is epic, the five chord is gay.

EDIT: and when they play the seven chord with a suspended fourth, that's just an added bonus. :kickass:
Ehm correction, that would have to be either Martyr or Jim Carrey
Didn't know Martyr was Canadian. Oops. Ok, Top 5 best thing to come out of Canada. Jim Carrey is awesome, but I would rather listen to select Townsend albums or Townsend productions than watch a Jim Carrey movie.
The black metal scene is kind of over saturated in my opinion and could do with less random kids and more competent musicians.

I agree with hidden tracks, they piss me off.

Really long intros are gay, especially if it's all sound effects and keyboards on an otherwise guitar driven album. There are exceptions though.

I don't mind fantasy / mythology / historical lyrics but it's better if it's immediately apparent what the band is actually singing about. If it sounds like GRRRRR HURRRR GRRRR HUURRRR BLASTBEAT HURRRR but the lyric booklet says something about greek mythology then it's a bit of a waste. That's possibly just to do with me being really bad at working out what vocalists are saying though.

I wish more metal songs had lyrics like those in The Sentinel by Judas Priest. To me those kind of lyrics are much more interesting than half a medical textbook or religious bollocks. In retrospect that makes me sound dumb, but I do specifically mean within the context of heavy metal lyrics. In a normal situation I'd rather read something more serious.

If there's any anti british sentiment in the lyrics, album cover or whatever then I wont buy the album.

To many metal albums feature faeces on the album cover. If you want to put out shit, go to the bathroom, not the recording studio.
If there's any anti british sentiment in the lyrics, album cover or whatever then I wont buy the album.

Force them to surrender!
Restore law and order!
Push them further out to sea!
Back under British reign!!!