Musical Pet Peeves

What's wrong with Lee? Sure he sings stupidly, but by the end of 2112 he's grown on you at least a little.

On Topic: Musical Pet Peeves are:

-albums shorter than 45 minutes.
-songs without a "climax" e.g. Power metal bands that start off going balls out as fast as they can.
-songs that are overly symphonic.
-albums by bands without two guitarists or without a guitarist/keyboard combination.
What are some one-guitarist bands you dislike? Just curious.

Also tbh, I'm not the biggest Rush fan but they are pretty good. It's just Lee's voice that rubs me the wrong way. Its so irritating that I wish Rush offered instrumental versions of their discography.
What are some one-guitarist bands you dislike? Just curious.

It's the twin guitar attack that really draws me to metal, more so than anything else, so not having it really kills a song for me.

EDIT: Goatwhore, Venom, Saint Vitus... I think they were some of the bands. After thinking about it more, I prefer bands with two guitarists but I still like a couple with one, Motörhead, Rush, Black Sabbath.
On Topic: Musical Pet Peeves are:

-albums shorter than 45 minutes.
-songs without a "climax" e.g. Power metal bands that start off going balls out as fast as they can.
-albums by bands without two guitarists or without a guitarist/keyboard combination.

Beyond 45 minutes most albums risk being excessive, your example of premature climax is "going balls out as fast as they can", and you don't like Coroner, early Destruction, later Fates Warning, Savatage, or other bands that utterly destroy your ass.
Pet Peeves huh?

Everybody who likes deathcore legitimately pisses me off. Does that count?

Sooooo original.......

Anyways, pointless intro/outros that have nothing to do with the album or song piss me off. Excessive use of blast beats ect.
Beyond 45 minutes most albums risk being excessive, your example of premature climax is "going balls out as fast as they can", and you don't like Coroner, early Destruction, later Fates Warning, Savatage, or other bands that utterly destroy your ass.

Yeah but even if it's excessive you can rip the songs you like off and burn them onto a CD. My example of a premature climax was going flat out from start to finish, for me the climax lacks power if they do so. Coroner and Destruction are two bands I haven't heard much material of. Savatage I like because they use keyboard/piano and guitars in a lot of songs, have long albums, and most of their songs I've heard build to a distinct climax. I do prefer early Fates Warning stuff to the newer albums, was surprised by Disconnected though.