Musical "rites of passage"...

I'm sure you've all had this happen at some point, right? You find out about a few bands that fall outside the general realm of your typical listening tastes, and they send you spiralling towards similar bands of that new style you just discovered...

I recently discovered some amazing albums by Tenhi, Artrosis, Hagalaz' Runedance, Elend, The Gathering, The 3rd & the Mortal, Raison D' Etre, Dark Muse, Umbra, Origami Galaktika, Ambeon, Devil Doll, Arcana, Skin Area, Brave, and so on...

Most of these bands fall in the dark/ambient/avant-garde category, and I'm now officially ADDICTED to this amazing musical medium. Before, I was mainly into technical death metal -- Cynic, Atheist, Theory in Practice, and the brutal stuff like Nile, Behemoth, etc. Finding some of these bands has completely changed my view of music as a's really expanded those all-important "horizons". I now see so much validity in SUBTLETY in music, and how it, in itself, can be a form of "technicality" if perceived from a certain frame of mind...

So my question and/or POINT is, can you cite a specific band or bands which changed your entire viewpoint on music? Has there been a time where you heard an album, or albums, which made you sit up and say "hey! I think I'm onto something here!!!"...

I dunno, just thought I'd pose the question here...seems like an appropriate forum for such a topic. :)
In Flames, Clayman. Changed my whole outlook on music completely! I was into mainstream music like nu-metal, but from the moment I heard "Bullet Ride" I offically had a ton more interest in music itself and it opened a whole dimension of music to me, and I think in ways im a better person for it, because I feel music influences life in more ways than one.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
In Flames, Clayman. Changed my whole outlook on music completely! I was into mainstream music like nu-metal, but from the moment I heard "Bullet Ride" I offically had a ton more interest in music itself and it opened a whole dimension of music to me, and I think in ways im a better person for it, because I feel music influences life in more ways than one.
I can relate and agree with that 100%
Well, going way back, getting to know Metallica sent me looking for heavier and less known bands, when previously I'd been more into hard rock like Ozzy, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, Guns n' Roses...

And later, Cemetary and Entombed really got me into Swedish death metal. I had really only heard American death metal before that, and it didn't do anything for me.
I have always been open minded and discover every day a new band... unfortunately I can not buy every album I want, so I just buy what I can afford. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket... but then again I prefer to spend that money in albums...
Of course, there are a lot of bands out there with music I do not like that much, but this can change quite fast.
One thing for sure is, what ever I liked past the years, I still do like it these days! Maybe I do listen less to the albums, but I have such a big collection I hardly can make my mind up what to listen first...
Moonspells "Under the Moonspell" (1994) showed me that music could be dark, creative, majestic, and HEAVY all at once.....then Opeth showed me how it could be refined, when Morningrise was released...
i was listening only to heavy metal and then opeth opened my look into other kinds of Elend, though =)
Originally posted by Morgana
One thing for sure is, what ever I liked past the years, I still do like it these days! Maybe I do listen less to the albums, but I have such a big collection I hardly can make my mind up what to listen first...

Exactly the same here. Would be easier if I did not like the older stuff anymore :D

That band opened a whole new world for me.
Sure, Vintersorg did it's part. I listened to "Til Fjälls"
thinking "wonder if there are any other bands like
this out there?". One day I stumbled accross Otyg,
not knowing about Vintersorg's vox.

I fell in love and of course I heard it was Vintersorg
singing. It was amazing. That day I listened to their
"Sagovindars Boning" on mp3 for several hours.
After that I have never looked back.
I found my love, folk.
Obtained Enslavement " Witchcraft"
Taake " Boejrgvin"
Empyrium" Wintersunsets"
Devil doll " The girl who was death"
Vintersorg' Till fjalls"
Emperor" The nightside eclipse"
Autumn Tears" Act2
I don't think it would be possible to name one specific band/musician that changed the way I looked at music in general. (I should have quoted the original post, cos it seems that I forgot the point here).

I guess all I want to say is that I've always been open to 'most' styles of music. (Well one exception being country...I just can't take that).

But I'll listen to anything from Marduk to Radiohead to Portishead...even ABBA.

And as mentioned in the first post here...I would like to say congrats on finding Hagalaz' Runedance. Amaizing music indeed!! I was actually fortunate enough to talk with Andrea for our up-coming issue, and let me say she's a person that can really get you thinking about things.

Opeth, My Dying Bride and Borknagar got me into extreme metal.

As to some of the other stuff i listen to Quilty, Current 93, Backworld, Autechre, Gentle Giant, Coil and Comus got me into its own genre and styles.
Current 93!
it opened my mind & introduced me to a whole new genre :)

also i should mention Ulver, otherwise i wouldn't be listening to folkish, paganish bands such as Otyg or even Vintersorg! :D

edit: i didn't see the post above

As to some of the other stuff i listen to Quilty, Current 93, Backworld, Autechre, Gentle Giant, Coil and Comus got me into its own genre and styles.
wee! i don't have to force Worldserpent onto people anymore ;)
I have quite recently fallen for bands like Immortal, Emperor, Dimmu Borgir, Agalloch, Borknagar, Arcturus, Vintersorg and so on...
Originally posted by Kuru
Opeth, My Dying Bride and Borknagar got me into extreme metal.

As to some of the other stuff i listen to Quilty, Current 93, Backworld, Autechre, Gentle Giant, Coil and Comus got me into its own genre and styles.

Kindly, Ms. Ice Queen, can you elaborate on some of these bands you've mentioned...if you have the time and wherewithall? :)

I've seen you mention Current 93 about 93,000 times but I have no idea what/who/when/why they are....? Sounds like an "industrial" sort of thing? Also, Gentle Giant, Quilty, Autechre, Comus....

My curiosity is piqued......explain!:mad: :p
Ooooooooooops......It appears I quoted the wrong person...I thought it was that person named after the all-female black metal band who said that:lol:....

Anyway.......whomever it was who mentioned these bands, pray do tell about them? I'm trying to find some new stuff that's not exactly "metal". Thanks. ;)