musicians...what is your practice regimen?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
I usually play about an hour and a hour of study and exercises and about half an hour of going over our songs to make sure everything's perfect.
I have to practice a lot for my left hand. I have neglected it over the solos fucking suck. My right hand is really fast, both downpicking and alternate picking, but my left hand needs about a solid year of work before I'll be able to do shredding runs.
Since I started getting lessons from an ex-biomechanical guitarist in January I have learned more than in the previous year and a half. I aim for at least 2 hours a day but that falls considerably to maybe 30mins right before exams (ie: now).
Meh, I never practice anymore, though I sing all of the time. If I have to record or something like that I will practice scales etc. a few weeks before.
Which is the complete opposite of how I used to be. My practice regime at one point was Lessons for an hour once a week, practice scales/new lessons for about 5-6 hours daily....then band pratice for about 3 hours several times a week.

Since I have no band anymore it isn't worth doing all of that.
Generally everyday. At least two hours a day, and when I have more time more practice hours.

Sea of Lies still remains hard :(. A lot easier than it was a couple months ago, but still difficult.
Everyday for as long as I can spare, I don't watch TV and stupid shit like that, and I record and write songs on the weekend. I just have nothing better to do and I haven't found anything I would rather be doing so...