Musicians with notable stage Presence.

Insilden_The Shred

Dec 30, 2005
Alright, I have havn't been around to long but as long as I have been here I havn't come across a similar thread in any forum so I am putting this one out there... and being a nOOb this is also the first thread I've ever made.

So I know personally when I got see a show no matter how much I love the band and the music... Its not near as fun or appealing when the band just kinda stands around, plays their set then get off stage. I find I get much more into it if the band is into it aswell... So what I am asking is of all the bands and or individual members you may have seen... Who is the craziest most entertaining to watch?

For me it has to be Yngwie Malmsteen... when I saw him back when he was on the G3 tour the guy was a total lunatic on stage. I don't think he was ever in the same spot for more then 5 seconds. Fliping his guitar around, twirling it. Kicking at the air. Making ridiculous metal faces at the crowd, and throwing no less then 500 picks into the audience through out his set. Half of which were kicked into the crowd, and one of which that was supposed to be kicked into the crowd but hit Vai instead...haha...

All 3 times I've seen Bodom Alexi was always really entertaining to watch too...

Also feel free to mention the worst or most boring you've seen too... for me this would be MoonSpell, ... their music is awful and they are lamers on stage aswell.
A reason for Alexi to ''dis'' (lol) Dream Theatre is because they just stand around the stage trying to play each note perfectly. COB is great to see live. I heard In Flames is also off teh hook.
AC/DC is also an entertaining band live, angus runs around the stage almost all the time.....
And if you like Pigheads thrown at you, you MUST check out Mayhem live
Wings of a dream said:
I haven´t been to many concerts so I can´t judge, but from videos I´ve seen Steve Vai seems pretty entertaining to watch too.

He may be, but when I say him on G3 for the first like 15-20 minutes he was sitting in a chair, granted I wouldn't want to stand up for 15-20 minutes with a triple neck guitar either...He was fun to see live but on this particular night he certainly appeared to be the least enthusiastic of the three. However if my memory serves correct I believe there were fans blowing his hair...:lol:
Insilden_The Shred said:
I've heard it would be a good idea to wear a rain coat when going to see Gwar...:lol:

my friend went to one of their shows and they had like a huge penis set on the stage and then they were like jacking it off or somthin and then it sprayed like everyone in the first 4-5 rows with some sticky stuff.
Silver Incubus said:
Dark Tranquillity is pretty fucking intense to see live.

their sound guy needs the fucking sack though, when i saw them live the first half of the set felt like a drum solo with vocals