Muslims offended again

Just so you guys are aware, we are allowing the governments to impose the ideals of people from OTHER countries that are religious nations on us, a country with separation of church and state. They conciously know what they are doing and how the west buckles to pressure instantaneously.

Maybe we're just too civilized to fight back.
Kinda reminds me when reporters asked WH Press Asshole (I mean, Secretary) Scott McClellan (no, I had it right the first time, Majour big time asshole) about rumours that the CIA was targeting AL-JEZEERA for destruction.

Scottie denied everything, assuring us something like, "We'd never deny the freedom of expression from anyone, even though we don't agree with it."

You know, everyone says we're at war.

What the fuck happened to destroying our enemy's ability to wage war against us?

I mean, who was most wanted in Nazi Germany after Hitler? Goebbels, the propaganda and information minister. Who was hung for his newspaper publishing? Julius Streicher, and ONLY for publishing. How many radio announcer turncoats were dragged back to Britain and shot for treacherous broadcasts? How many radio towers and broadcast facilities were bombed, along with surrounding towns and villages, to shut our enemy the fuck up?

Al-Jezeera is an enemy propaganda mill, that needs to be stormed by our Special Ops, blown sky high, and its reporters hunted down and beaten. This is supposed to be a war, where people are getting killed.

Freedom of Expression becomes a weapon when people die. The folks at Al-Jezeera have proven to be among the greatest war criminals.

I solidly agree, Jurched. One note about Al Jazeera is that I think they are being kept around because the state dept is getting more info out of them than what we think and see. It would most likely benefit us more to keep them around than obliterate them, although this war is being handled like shit anyhow.