Must-have Plugins?

My most used plug-ins are those in the Waves SSL pack. I know the CLA endorsement doesn't necessarily say that they sound like a real SSL, but at the end of the day anything that will get me closer to the big radio rock sounds, I want.

Delay wise, the new Echoboy is a fantastic unit. They seem to have ex-Eventide engineers working on the SoundToys stuff.

Verb-wise, I've just signed on to the group buy of Aether. Probably the closest one can get to OTB with ITB verb. Fights the staticness of convolution reverb, with the modulation and tails of outboard units... still to see how well it fares on the rock and metal stuff.
man I totaly gonna buy the waves SSL.
I tested the demo for 7-days like 24/7.

Man I give a f**k if they sound near a ssl or not, because I never worked on a real ssl.

But I must say:
both channelstrips are AMAZING!!!I put the channelstrips on every project I´ve done the last year and I must say (by using the factory presets alot)
this is a new level of sound for me!!!

It is just unbelievable how much I can get out of these plugins.
Just put them on each drumtrack and play with the factory presets and you get this 10.000.000$$$ tone:)

The gate works so fine for me, it feels so natural!!!
After demo-ing this bundle I no longer wanna use samples anymore:)

The bus compressor blows me away ,too
But it takes a couple of days to realy learn to work with this thing, because it´s so brutal;)

Waves SSl gives me and hopefully other users, this real punch I want when I am working ALL IN THE BOX

and now a friend of mine bought the waves API and is totaly blown away too.
Man too much good gear and I have an empy pocket...
Channelstrip: WaveSSL (awesome sounding! Fucking punchy!)
EQ: Sonnox Oxford EQ. (transparent EQ)
Reverb: Freeverb 2 or 3.
Delay: Audioware Lexicon PSP42 (I like it so much).

... I will list more later if I can remember :D
I just picked up the Sonnox Elite bundle this morning. I don't know how I used anything else, it all sounds so good, haha. Undeniably worth the price that I paid for it. It's my first real iLok outing, too, so I'm glad it works as well as it does.
Voxengo Marquis Compressor - best compressor I've tried (although I haven't tried the real 'pro' ones). Plus the wet/dry knob makes it really easy to use for parallel compression. Not a fan of a the amount of options and GUI tho.
Voxengo Elephant.
Freeverb2 - great for drums.
Camelcrusher - free distortion, sounds great.
Voxengo Marquis Compressor - best compressor I've tried (although I haven't tried the real 'pro' ones). Plus the wet/dry knob makes it really easy to use for parallel compression. Not a fan of a the amount of options and GUI tho.

+1 billion, I bought it and consider it something of a waste of money cuz I fucking hate how many options there are, I can never settle :erk: Paralysis through analysis!