Must see this, Star Wars Metal!!

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away a band called DVC (Darth Vader's Church) existed. They released grinding death metal with their debut Descendant Upheaval on which the track Cranium Overture delivered the Star Wars theme with immense brutalilty...

You will also find a band called Sithlord residing the dark reccesses of Australia who deliver classic old school black thrash in the vein of Destruction etc.

Great to see Anchorhead keeping up the tradition.
lol - sweet find...good stuff.

I thought it was going to be a little cheesy at the beginning, but then it actually gets pretty thrashy - the death growls are just awesome...

Is it me, or does the closing seconds of the song say "fucking wookie"?? lol

Actually, I will be changing my sig in september. I can't help but think that and the survey there in was instrumental in the the decision to release the originals on dvd. If any of you followed the link and signed it, my heart glows like the lightsabers that dwell there.
>>>>I can't help but think that and the survey there in was instrumental in the the decision to release the originals on dvd.

The only thing that contributed the the re-releasing of the originals is money.

I would beg to argue otherwise. I understand there is definately a financial motive for the rerelease. But what better way to be sure that people will purchase something like that other than the fact that several thousand internet users signed a petition saying they would.
The only re-release I want is Jedi. Man...the updated CGI version of that one sucks balls. The sarrlac pit looks like the little shop of horrors...and no ewok dance at the end? And don't even get me started on the dance scene in Jabba's

Empire updated is far superior to the original though!
