Star Wars

Originally posted by LadyCal
I should have left him long before that movie - a lot of trouble wouldn't have happend..

you know, i always say the same thing about 99% of my ex-girlfriends, although the movie title varies from one to the other. ;)

rahvin. (knowing the score)
@rahvin: 99%???
either you've had 100 g/f's and it happened with 99 of them, or smt's extremely wrong :loco:
Fuck. I am more and more convinced that LadyCal is someone we know. She was living in Italy until April. She knows both me and Rahvin personally. She is pretending she never met us for some weird reason. She is a Blind Guardian fan. She is a Rahvin fan. She is not my fan, but then, people normally are not.

hyena (glory, glory, bubububu)
Originally posted by hyena
She is not my fan, but then, people normally are not.

can i be your whole ventilation system?

now, don't slander ladycal just because she likes me, you bubu :p
but i guess she's not from italy, after all. putting up a website in german talking in german about german ppl is something i wouldn't likely do if i weren't... hmm... very german. besides, what spy in her right mind would pick the same year of birth and a nickname slightly resembling that of her true identity? not even a very clever or very german one. :p

rahvin. (very poorly)
@rahvin, of course you're welcome to be my whole air conditioning, especially now: i'm overheating, possibly.

@thanatos, you can be my fan also, but beware, rahvin could get overtly bubu at you if you try to unplug him :lol:

i didn't notice the all-german side of ladycal's visible existence. i'll doublecheck.

@siren: what's so terrible about being terribly drunk? i mean, the hangover phase is annoying, but being drunk in itself is okay. personally i tend to get weird thoughts of the homicidal variety when i am drunk, but how relaxing that is.

hyena (a hug and a kiss and a don't know why)
@hyena: drunk in itself is ok, it tends to get my emotions to the extreme, people can confirm that :p
and i rarely have hangovers, and even then they are slight.
the annoying part is that my stomach, obviously, can't take too much alcohol and i tend to throw it up :ill:
I have yet to get drunk, but I think if I head over to Sweden the nagus will get me drunk off my ass, thus making me a drunkard, and perhaps jumping off a bridge something

Final_Vision: Morbid as always, but strangely happy :grin:
please try to be at least a little sensitive: there's dwarves here (namely: me) that risk losing their own life by jumping off the doormat and you all get so dark-humoured with your great heights jokes... :rolleyes:

rahvin. (life's unfair)
Originally posted by hyena
well throwing up is the reason why you don't get hangovers...

I don't know which one is worse, to endure a hangover or to clean a huge,REEKING alcoholic puke :rolleyes: