Star Wars

Originally posted by Siren
@hyena: drunk in itself is ok, it tends to get my emotions to the extreme, people can confirm that :p
and i rarely have hangovers, and even then they are slight.
the annoying part is that my stomach, obviously, can't take too much alcohol and i tend to throw it up :ill:

Sounds like what we call in Sweden a "fjortis"
I agree with hyena on this.
Tell us more about Sweden :loco:

Siren (loves sweden since long, but noone will believe her now :p)
Oh, shit....I forgot to say I saw the movie today, and that it was damn pretty ok, noot extraordinarily good though! Much better than the Phantom TERRace!
some parts are a bit slow, buuuuuuuuuuuut YOU GOTTA LOVE YODA :)

fathervic (hailing Yoda deep withing)
Oh, I worship smt very similar to yoda by myself. At least in height, colour and way to speak :p

Alfred (Closetwalker)
Fuck. I am more and more convinced that LadyCal is someone we know. She was living in Italy until April. She knows both me and Rahvin personally. She is pretending she never met us for some weird reason. She is a Blind Guardian fan. She is a Rahvin fan. She is not my fan, but then, people normally are not.
?? :confused: ??
Me Blind Guardian fan?Not really...
I was at Italy last summer - did a tour from Bozano to Verona ( but only for a week..;) )
Knowing you personally might come one day :spin: and maybe I'm a fan of yours - you never asked ;)
Originally posted by LadyCal
I was at Italy last summer - did a tour from Bozano to Verona ( but only for a week..;) )

sounds enough to visit both cities. ;)
forgive our persecution mania, it's an in-built character. :D
we might want to become your fans, if your summer turns out to be very hot. :grin:

Originally posted by LadyCal
[BBut it's interesting to hear things of you you don't know yet - who am I really:confused: ? [/B]

search me, how should i know? :) i don't even know where ala and tramin are... :confused:
i guess hyena thought that maybe you could have been a girl we both know who's staying in germany at the moment and took the chance for chatting a bit with us, as it were, undercover. this is also because, coincidentally, part of your nickname resembles a nick she could use. of course not only your all-german past puts you out of suspicion, but even if it were not so this wouldn't be a very worrying suspicion at all: this girl is not an annoyance or anything. ;)

Originally posted by LadyCal
Some could say you feel hunted by this girl..;)

it was all hyena's idea, really. :) besides, it wouldn't be too exciting to be hunted/haunted by her... *yawn* ;)

Originally posted by LadyCal

I can tell you - just between Bozano and Verona :spin:

that's bolzano. and i'm still ashamed by my ignorance... i'm gonna hide behind a 1:1 italy map. :cry:

ah, this lifesize bubu :)

hyena (i can never be with you, bubububu, bubububu, yeah)