Mutes and Clicks and Pops...


Huge Member
Aug 29, 2006
ok, so whenver I am recording something that has pauses in it, I'm always getting ambient sounds from the guitar. Sensative pickups i guess. Then I have to go back through the entire track and "mute" certain events. Then when I listen back at the end of the mute event there is a wisp-pop.(hard to explain) I'm talking nano-seconds here but you can hear it. Other than tons of gate and compression, how do you get around this problem?
yea i used the little pencil tool and corrected wave form by hand but thats cause i dint do quick punch when recording :erk:

I'm talking about audio connecting though but for shit that mutes throw a quick fade on end of it.
Yup, that did it. Sounds totally natural now. Super fast fades. The type of song I'm recording is very stuccatto style so there are a lot of stops and quick pauses.Thanks guys!
Thedeloshimself said:
i heard youre supposed to put them under the strings on the top of the 1st fret?
What he was talking about is the vibrations from the springs on tremolos which produce audible noise during fast stop-n-go muting sections. Putting foam, tissue paper, etc. in the tremolo cavity helps cut down on the noise.
on many of my guitars, i actually have to put a piece of foam behind the nut, and another one behind the bridge to cut out the strings ringing when i mute things

that's one of my ultimate pet peaves