My Arms Your Hearse: Best Two

My Arms Your Hearse: Best Two

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etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
EG. music you like instantly on the first listen is almost always disposable.

Not always. I've had several records that turned out to be big favorites that I loved immediately. Others did have to grow on me. It depends on what KIND of a liking it is, how deep it goes. The deeper it runs, the less likely it's disposable.
Rose Immortal said:
I've found that usually by three listens I can make a good judgment about an album.
yeah, i agree on that, the first time i listen to an album i can only have a rough idea of it.

in my previous post i was mainly referring to some people (not only on this board) that were saying "i listened to it until it grew on me, and now i like it", suggesting the listening times required were way more than 3 or 4. i remember someone saying that the first time he listened to the new in flames he thought it was shit, but forced himself to listen to it until it had grown on him. that is pretty stupid if you ask me, because there is no rule saying "you must like this album if you like the band".
Credence because its probably up there for one of my favorite mellow Opeth tracks, and the Amen Corner because that song is just so fucking killer and diverse.:rock:
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
EG. music you like instantly on the first listen is almost always disposable.
Sometimes true, but far from being a general rule. For example, first time I listened to Sodom's Agent Orange, I was hooked... several listens later, I had a feel for the whole album... and now it's one of my favorite albums of all time.

But thats just thrash. You're right about black metal requiring those extra listens. I just couldnt get my head around Blut Aus Nord or Deathspell Omega in the first few listens... now I'm hooked.
mourningstar said:
yeah, i agree on that, the first time i listen to an album i can only have a rough idea of it.

in my previous post i was mainly referring to some people (not only on this board) that were saying "i listened to it until it grew on me, and now i like it", suggesting the listening times required were way more than 3 or 4. i remember someone saying that the first time he listened to the new in flames he thought it was shit, but forced himself to listen to it until it had grown on him. that is pretty stupid if you ask me, because there is no rule saying "you must like this album if you like the band".

yeah, all you need is one listen to know that new IF sucks dick. i dl'ed STYE a month or more before it came out, and deleted it after one listen. i'll stick to the ind. releases, JR, whoracle and colony.
dorian gray said:
this album is fantastic. i encourage naysayers to take another listen. maybe do something - the dishes, maybe - while its playing in the background.

I listen to Opeth while doing the dishes. :grin:
If you don't like tomatoes and do not eat anything in a week at all, then do this: prepare a toast (with French bread), add some thin slices of tomato, salt and pepper it, add a tiny bit of olive oil and a slice of serrano ham. If you're hungry, you'll love it --probably even if you're not-. I definitely think your ear can get used to music if you expose it to it; the same way that I completely hated most vegetables, and now I love them.

(probably my most stupid post to date. I'll finish it quoting Don Quijote. He once said "the best sauce in the world is hunger; and as most of the poor always have a lot of it, they always eat with pleasure").

Conclusion: eat tomatoes while listening to MAYH, and see my signature ;-)
Demoke said:
If you don't like tomatoes and do not eat anything in a week at all, then do this: prepare a toast (with French bread), add some thin slices of tomato, salt and pepper it, add a tiny bit of olive oil and a slice of serrano ham. If you're hungry, you'll love it --probably even if you're not-.
mmmh, you're probably referring (except for the slice of ham) to what in italy is called "bruschetta". :yuk: no matter how, i'll never like tomatoes. i can force myself to eat some other vegetables i don't like (loooong list) but not tomatoes.
and of course, probably i'd eat them if i were going to die from hunger, but we're shifting from the original reason at the base of my post: we weren't talking about a situation where we don't have other albums to listen to.

and... uh, i forgot to look at your signature, will check it now...
edit: :err: :confused: