My Arms, Your Hearse questions.....


Well played, Clerks.
Jun 23, 2003
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hi all, i'm new to the boards, but not to Opeth.......

anyway, there are some details in the latter half of the MAYH story that i'm unsure of, and have been for quite some time....i'm wondering if anyone has any insight......

"Unwritten secrets beneath the cobwebs. I can not endure. And so I rose from my sleep. The moon turned away its face. Overture of the long, black night begins...something you said: "Eerie circles upon the waters". .."The final spark that blew life into me" <---these parts from Amen Corner...

"It was the hand reaching out through the mirror........They huddle in the brown corners. Some would settle for less. The castles were all empty, asleep. Long awaiting their king. Beckoning round the bend." <----these parts from Karma

i don't quite understand what's being described/happening here.....

also, someone mentioned this, and while i never thought of it myself, it does seem to make a bit of sense........was she in any way resposible for his death??

thanks in advance. :)
I don't believe she was responsible for his death. It seems to me that some of the lyrics may go into a third person point of view. I'm not positive, but, it seems that alot of the album is nostalgic as well as merely descriptive of certain moments in the characters lives. Anyway, this is just my interperetation.
benjikong said:
I don't believe she was responsible for his death. It seems to me that some of the lyrics may go into a third person point of view. I'm not positive, but, it seems that alot of the album is nostalgic as well as merely descriptive of certain moments in the characters lives. Anyway, this is just my interperetation.

thanks.........anyone else???
I have not read through the lyrics for quite a while, but never the less I hope that I can interpret at least the part from "The Amen Corner".
The unwritten secrets: That is what he finds out about her, that her love was false and she grins, aware of his final demise (from "When"). He cannot endure having found out this because he loved her that much, and so he arises from death ("sleep") as a visible ghost to take revenge or to go to her in order to ask for an explanation. He is the "Demon of the fall", and the final spark probably is the realization of the truth making him so desperate that he escapes death. As you all know, arising from the grave is not quite a natural event ;) so it's something mystical, frightenig, and thus Mikael uses words like "demon" or "black night". "Eerie circles upon the waters" is said to be a quotation of his girlfriend which describes him wandering through the land as a ghost or something like that.

I think this was complete bullshit, but no matter, it was worth the try :grin:
The Karme part is really difficult, I have no real idea what it means... maybe just a description of the environmental conditions at that But, to be serious, I don't really think so :ill:
the story is pretty easy to understand its all about this guy. the story starts and he is a little kid, all he wants to do is play for the pacers but he breaks his spine and then has to type with a pencil in his mouth then his arms fall off from muscular dystrophy and he dies and gets put in an oddly thin coffin in a hearse. thats pretty much it, theres a subplot about fighting yuffies father in the temple of wutai but its pretty simple - just read the lyrics.
Neurotomania said:
the story is pretty easy to understand its all about this guy. the story starts and he is a little kid, all he wants to do is play for the pacers but he breaks his spine and then has to type with a pencil in his mouth then his arms fall off from muscular dystrophy and he dies and gets put in an oddly thin coffin in a hearse. thats pretty much it, theres a subplot about fighting yuffies father in the temple of wutai but its pretty simple - just read the lyrics.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Domson as TIOBS said:
The unwritten secrets: That is what he finds out about her, that her love was false and she grins, aware of his final demise (from "When"). He cannot endure having found out this because he loved her that much, and so he arises from death ("sleep") as a visible ghost to take revenge or to go to her in order to ask for an explanation. He is the "Demon of the fall", and the final spark probably is the realization of the truth making him so desperate that he escapes death. As you all know, arising from the grave is not quite a natural event ;) so it's something mystical, frightenig, and thus Mikael uses words like "demon" or "black night". "Eerie circles upon the waters" is said to be a quotation of his girlfriend which describes him wandering through the land as a ghost or something like that.

outstanding! that makes so much more sense now, i never thought about him becoming a visible entity in the middle of the story......thank you much.

and :lol: :lol: @ the other explanation
Neurotomania said:
the story is pretty easy to understand its all about this guy. the story starts and he is a little kid, all he wants to do is play for the pacers but he breaks his spine and then has to type with a pencil in his mouth then his arms fall off from muscular dystrophy and he dies and gets put in an oddly thin coffin in a hearse. thats pretty much it, theres a subplot about fighting yuffies father in the temple of wutai but its pretty simple - just read the lyrics.

:lol: hahahaha :p
No, I think it's just because it sucks if an author explains his lyrics. When I sent my new song "Mirage" to a friend, he first wanted a short statement about the meaning/topic. And as I gave it to him, it destroyed much of the fascination of reading the text. It was my friend's expression and mine as well - he said, "the song's structure was a little predictable knowing that it describes the things that happened to you lately"...