Which Opeth album rips your heart out?

I can't say that they've ripped my heart out, but I know what you mean, and it is definitely MAYH that does it. Also, I truly agree with whoever said Camel's Ice, it's such a beautiful song, I almost can't bear listening to it sometimes. Also, Camel's Spirit of the Water does that for me as well.
Apprentice's Master said:
I don't cry to any music regardless of its beauty because I am neither a homosexual or a female.

@mot: no, according to him you can only cry if you like cock. which doesn't really make sense to me. yeah, i mean, i guess you're right, no straight male has ever, in the history of the world, cried while listening to music...

i hope you realize how retarded you are now.
Definetely MAYH, or maybe BWP...but it all starts out with prologue and April...the outro to April is, in my opinion, the most powerful moment in all of opeth's music.

and, crying to music is not a sign that you are a homosexual or a female. maybe you were joking about that, but "they" say that a man that can cry and not feel uncomfortable expressing his emotions is a truly secure and "manly" man. i'd have to agree. if you think you are a pussy because you shed a tear to your favorite song, then maybe you really are a pussy.

My favorite Camel song is by far White Rider. That song is absolutely amazing.
I am proud that i can enjoy music to intensively that it (very very rarely) brings a tear to my eye.

Fuck, i'm gay now. :(
deliverance said:
@mot: no, according to him you can only cry if you like cock. which doesn't really make sense to me. yeah, i mean, i guess you're right, no straight male has ever, in the history of the world, cried while listening to music...

i hope you realize how retarded you are now.

joevice said:
and, crying to music is not a sign that you are a homosexual or a female. maybe you were joking about that, but "they" say that a man that can cry and not feel uncomfortable expressing his emotions is a truly secure and "manly" man. i'd have to agree. if you think you are a pussy because you shed a tear to your favorite song, then maybe you really are a pussy.

I'm crying now... :waah:

so a guy has the balls to admit he cries once in a while and a bunch of you fucking neanderthals have the nerve to call him weak for it? your heads are so far up your asses, if evolution were left up to you lot we'd all be living in caves banging fucking rocks together. eat shit.

ps baseball sucks, hockey rules....damn you lockout :cry:
Jon Snow said:
If the Sox blow, what does that say about the Yankees?

MAYH and Still Life are the most emotional for me.

I don't know what it says, but Im not a Yankee fan, so I dont care. All I know is that this year's Red Sox team is the biggest group of flamers I've ever seen assembled. You can make fun of the Yankees all you want, because I dont like them at all.

EDIT: Good call cthulufhtagn about the lockout :-/
Yeah the NHL needs to get their "economics" straightened out. Its fucking ridiculous, its a professional organization, this has happened before, and now its happening again. Ofcourse, its all about money, just like life in the rest of the world *sigh*. I want my hockey damnit! Oh god, I think I... really am..... gonna cry.... *sob* *sob*... :waah: !
do opeth play hockey? i want to see some scandinavian bands play a hockey game.... steven wilson could be opeth's goalie; everone loves taking shots at him...

i think iron maiden played a football/soccer game against...somebody...back in the day. steve harris could have been a pro but he chose to be in maiden. now that's dedication :kickass:
Well, I have to say it (even though i guess this means im not in touch with my soul or whatever) that Opeth has never brought tears to my eyes..

BUT Id say that Blackwater Park is the most touching album (ive said it plenty of times before, but Dirge...its just amazing). MAYH is too...energetic? intense? I dont know which adjective im searching for, but it triggers the wrong emotions to count here.

Godhead's Lament should also be mentioned btw....Searching my waaaaaay to perPLE-Exion, AHH-ahhh-ahhhhhh.....the gleam of her eeeeeeyes in that mo-oment, she knewwwwwwww.......
OpethNZ said:
American Sports suck ass.

How so?

Mantraschism said:
Just that: which Opeth album rips your fucking heart out, by just sheer emotional intensity?

For me, My Arms, Your Hearse is the only answer. Especially at this point in life. If I listen to this album as I'm going to bed, I WILL cry -- even to things like 'Prologue'. The lyrics, the rage, the longing, the despair... sometimes it's scary how much I identify with this album. Songs like Karma kill me, even parts like, 'The cold season drift over the land/They all huddle in the brown corners/Some would settle for less/The castles were all empty, asleep/Long awaiting their king/Beckoning 'round the bend'. And the scream at the end. I don't know, just a brutally personal album for me. So that's my choice.


Opeth's works are filled with emotion as are many other bands. I can't say that I have ever shed a tear over any opus however. I have been in absolute awe of sheer genius like Bach, but crying? Not at all.
Though I'll agree it is not abnormal for an individual to cry along with a touching song, but I for one, never have.
Face of Melinda
BWP (Soft Section)
Dirge (Soft Sections)

Yeah, yeah. I know they're not albums, but fuck you. Oh, and I haven't really cried a song, but if I did, it would be those songs.
Now that my brain is functioning better, I remember blinking my tears away when I listen to the Moor's climax. Also when I listen to the aggressive (!) part of demon of the fall. Dirge's mid section is pretty killer, too. Whereas no Damnation songs, albeit they all roughly deal with the same theme as Dirge, stir ANY emotions in me.