My Bands new demo (8505, soloc, superior 2.0

I would definitly tighten up that guitar sound quite a bit. Try turning down the gain on the amp and throwing a tube screamer in front of it. (I am assuming this is pod farm.)

If you've already done that, select a different amp.

As the other poster mentioned you could eq it with a little more high end as well, somewhere between 5-8khz. I've gone as high as 10khz before but too much will make the guitars sound brittle, just enough makes them sparkle.

Your drum mix sounds nice, and the balance is good. I'd turn the vocals up a hair, I prefer to hear them really poppin'. They are a bit too buried IMO.

Good job on the tracking, it seems very tight.
I would definitly tighten up that guitar sound quite a bit. Try turning down the gain on the amp and throwing a tube screamer in front of it. (I am assuming this is pod farm.)

If you've already done that, select a different amp.

As the other poster mentioned you could eq it with a little more high end as well, somewhere between 5-8khz. I've gone as high as 10khz before but too much will make the guitars sound brittle, just enough makes them sparkle.

Your drum mix sounds nice, and the balance is good. I'd turn the vocals up a hair, I prefer to hear them really poppin'. They are a bit too buried IMO.

Good job on the tracking, it seems very tight.

Thank you. :) but the guitars are 8505 and soloC not podfarm. i find the high end is whats causing the guitars to sound a little scratchy so i think i might try removing sum mud, think about 200hz?

the tone is a bit muddy and loud too, you should let in some more high end

see above :)

Dont do anything to guitars! They sound huge!
Damn! So heavy!

Thanks :)
but it deffo needs some more work considering its a sim :)
Thank you. :) but the guitars are 8505 and soloC not podfarm. i find the high end is whats causing the guitars to sound a little scratchy so i think i might try removing sum mud, think about 200hz?

i have the 8505 as well but cant seem to get it to sound any good, how did you dial in that tone?
The guitar tone is kinda awesome but not in the traditional sense.. but the low end might need a little control..
a very interesting/cool alternate tone man.. any details on the tracking?
The guitar tone is kinda awesome but not in the traditional sense.. but the low end might need a little control..
a very interesting/cool alternate tone man.. any details on the tracking?

if by tracking you mean me sat in front of my mac plugged straight into my profire and nailing some hard takes thats as far as it goes my man.
i blended the 8505 and the solo c. one panned hard left one panned hard right.

i used the soloc pre-amp to boost both of them and the spreshigh cartharsis impulse
I would say just compress that bass a lot more and lowpass the guitars a little lower and you've got a solid song. The vocals sound awesome, recording and performance-wise, what was in your chain for those? This is a really good song actually, except I wasn't really a fan of the intro, as I felt the rhythm guitars cut a little unnaturally, even for me and I listen to Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris, and other bands with guitars that cut quickly. I don't know, it just didn't sound right to me. If I may offer a suggestion on that, I would say to let those ring out, I think it would sound better, but that's just my opinion.
I would say just compress that bass a lot more and lowpass the guitars a little lower and you've got a solid song. The vocals sound awesome, recording and performance-wise, what was in your chain for those? This is a really good song actually, except I wasn't really a fan of the intro, as I felt the rhythm guitars cut a little unnaturally, even for me and I listen to Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris, and other bands with guitars that cut quickly. I don't know, it just didn't sound right to me. If I may offer a suggestion on that, I would say to let those ring out, I think it would sound better, but that's just my opinion.

ill deffo give that a try when i retrack it. it twas only a demo so im gunna retrack it tighter etc with the rest of the members, i did vocals as thats my main job but i record all this myself for sake of showing the half arsed members ;)