My band's new stuff, Share comments? :D


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
Hey guys, wazaaaa! :headbang:

We're about to start tracking our second album, and i'm pretty happy because much of the things i've learned here on UM helped me big time mixing and tracking the first album we did, even though our songwriting wasn't (or isn't?) the best. For those who might want it, you can download it Here!

So i wanted to post this new and sketched song here to get some feedback from you, see what you think, if you dig or not! And that's because it's kind of cool to see how people all around the world perceive your music.

This one doesn't pretend to be a polished mix of course, its just the ideas that came up some weeks ago, theres 11 more tracks like this one SD guide tracks and guide guitars. There's a couple things i'll have to work with; Two main vocals a very dynamic and vibey mathcore guy and a pop girl, extra piano/synth stuff, and we might also use some ethnic percussion of some sort, but keeping it simple as possible!

Well here it goes!

Thanks! :)
I listened to your first album and latest song , there is some good sections in some of the songs
but it sounds more like thrash than metal to me. I dont mind thrash but it is difficult to get right
without sounding messy. My main comment is that the rythum guitar riffs dont sound right to me.
Its not the tone thats wrong, its the riff writing, they dont make your head bob up and down like they
should. Your band has plenty of potential but for my tastes, the rythum guitar riff writing has to be
more metal and less thrash. I really enjoyed mixing your AILD cover, that was awesome.
Hey Scoot!

Thanks a lot for taking of time and checking the material out! Really appreciate it!
I'm taking notes about your comments, and will surely take a lot of care with these thrashy riffs.

In a way, we're aiming for a vibe-ish overall sound. That's why i didn't actually hard-edit the takes
but will surely get tighter performances for definite tracking.

Now, i'm curious about how you think of it more like thrash/metal, i'd like to achieve a raw/brown yet defined sound
for this album (i.e The Bled or ETID) even though there's some heavy parts around! Maybe Mesa Boogies are not the right tool
for this?
If I was asked to define the terms "Thrash" or "Metal" I could not do it !!!
I understand that you are after a "vibe-ish" sound rather than a "Heavy Metal" sound
so perhaps my musical tastes dont apply here.
I found no problem with the guitar tone or the tightness of the playing but I still feel
that the rythum guitar riffs had an odd timing to them that makes the songs sound
a little bit jerky and un-even.