My best 6505+ tone yet I think. Check it...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Some lame riffs, excuse that lol. But I finally got down to quad tracking, and focused on playing tight. Also, I only used one SM57 for it, I found that worked best for me. I think it can use a tad more gain and low end. The SD-1 is a low end robber...

Anyone have suggestions for a sweet ass Keeley boost?? The modded SD-1 looks great.

Anyway, I think it's definitely usable...Please let me know what you think. Cheers,

Sounds really scooped to me, not really my thing. But yeah, sounds very usable. On a side note, just listened to your short cover of "For The Love Of God" on your Soundclick and I think you really nailed that tone.
cobhc, thanks! I don't know why but that clip came out good. PodXT all the way haha. It is a bit scooped, I should add a tad more mids.

Gnash, tubes aren't stock...I honestly forget what they are, they were changed out when I got it on ebay. Svetlanas maybe?? Not sure

Damnit! Prefer that Vai Love of God tone you managed to get, thats almost bang on the mark. Would there be any chance i could snatch that one to have a play with?

6505 sounds pretty usable to moi :)