MY best metal mix yet !!


Aug 1, 2007
This is in my opinion my best metal mix, this is a metal/stoner/whale core(mastodon lol) type of song I wrote, here's what I used:

proggramed on drumkit from hell superior, then i triggered the bass and snare track and mixed the DFH sound with the andy sneap snare and kick samples.

Pod XT pro bass model, i copied the track in pro tools and used a proco rat simulator plugin to add distortion to the secnd track and mixed both the taste to get a driving bass that really get his place in the mix.

I recorded 2 tracks micing my peavey classic 30 amp with a shure SM57 for fizzyness and a C141 for the in ya face sound.

Then i recorded two more tracks using my orange tiny terror with my laney 2X12 cab (Celestion V30 loaded) with the 57 + C141 combination once again.

THEN I did two more tracks hard panned using the mesa sim on the pod and the ENGL sim.

The solo, melody line and overdubs (like doubled at perfect 5TH for fast parts) was done using the pod.

EVERY guitar track was done using my ts-808 (exept on the pod where i find that the simulation works better)

Tell me what you think !!
Well, i liked the vibe on your whalecore tune LOL...but you need to do something on those drums, change it´s dynamics because it´s too machine like. Has to the quality of your production, can´t really comment accuratly(i'm on a laptop now). However i´m digging it....:rock:
keep on
Sounds cool but drums need some more processing to make them sound more human.

Bass guitar tone is cool.

The tune is cool.

The guitar tone is good but far from awesome, especially considering what you've been through to achieve it (6 tracks !!!). I think you can nail a better guitar sound with dual-tracking only, seriously... Sans rancune :)
I just rerecorded the guitars, I found a 4 track combination wich works great.

About the drums you think maybe the samples are too high in the mix ? cause maybe that is what sounds machine...

If anyone is intrested i can give you the drum tracks and you can do aquick mix to get me on the good track !

thanks a lot.
I just rerecorded the guitars, I found a 4 track combination wich works great.

About the drums you think maybe the samples are too high in the mix ? cause maybe that is what sounds machine...

If anyone is intrested i can give you the drum tracks and you can do aquick mix to get me on the good track !

thanks a lot.

What kind of samples did you use ?

When i hear the kick drum it sounds way too clicky/modern metal for some Mastodon-ish stuff. Use a more rock-ish kick drum sound (i mean original sample + post processing (eq-ing., reverb..)).

Can't A/B the guitar sound with the previous version right now but it seems to sound better (if it was me I'd dual track instead of quadètrack though :) )