My birthday purchases.

i dont get the hating on d112's.
They are way better then beta 52s.
beta 52s just go 'thud thud'
D6's go "click click"
and d112 are somewhere in the middle ... sort of a "clud" i guess
It's not that I hate the D112. Actually I have gotten good results with a combination of that just inside the port and a 57 3" away from the beater.

By itself I just don't like it that much.

I have used the beta 52 and can't say I like it for metal, but it's kind of a quick way to get a good sounding rock sample IMO.

Honestly the only mic I have no experience with other than samples I have heard is the D6! I have even used that dual element mic (don't remember who makes it).
Today is my birthday and I just bought the everything eq bundle (URS) and the classic console compressors.

Needless to say I are stoked.

I'm putting in an order for some other shit as well. :rock:




1st chance you get, slap that little red BLT on a's unbelievable what an EQ with just bass/treble/level controls is capable of