My Damnation Review

KielbasaSausage said:
They could release a rap record and still call it Opeth for all i care jackass. But it still wouldnt follow a sensible progression...

Huh?? You wouldn't care?? Then why were you bitching about Damnation not fitting into Opeth's catalogue??

Sensible progression?? What the fuck are you talking about?! Damnation is in the same vein as Deliverance, only with no distorted guitars. Does a music only have to have aggressive guitars to be called progressive??

Plus, Damnation was written at the same time Deliverance was written and these two follow a perfect progression path from Blackwater Park.
Demonspell said:
<<b) Get the FUCK out of these forums!!! An 'Opeth Forum' actually implies "Opeth apprection Forum", believe it or not.>>

I disagree, all it implies is discussion of Opeth, not unconditional love. People have the right to post negative opinions of the new album, no matter how misinformed. :)

You took what I said out of context.

I didn't (mean) to say that this is an "Opeth 'unconditional and undying devotion and adoration' Forum", I said it implies appreciation. 'Appreciation' is where a person can find at least one favourable or nice aspect about a subject... Being Opeth in this case.

And as I said, to my knowledge, all of Jerkface's posts to date have been of a (relatively speaking) inflammitory nature, considering the make up of this forum.

This is why I asked if he actually DOES like any particular aspect of Opeth..... as I can't see a logical reason for him to continue to tolerate such awful music...... :rolleyes: let alone go out of his way to find a forum and post about how much he hates it.... why waste so much energy on hate?

...Maybe mike should have made a sideproject for this one....

I'll actually agree with you here Keilbasa, this is the way you'll see alot of artists going nowadays. While it may seem strange to create a 'new band' (or basically side-project) when it consists of the same members of a current band, I'd see it as being justified if the styles of music were signigicantly different enough (as is the case here).

If ALL the forthcoming releases were going to follow in the D2 vain, then sure, keeping the name is fine, it's just a change in style. But we already know from Mike that this isn't going to be the case.

Anyway, it doesn't concern me too much anyway, as Damnation isn't precisely 'Opeth' in my mind at the moment, if you know what I mean?

It's just a new album by Mike, Peter, and the Martins. :grin:

Beast In Flames said:
Huh?? You wouldn't care?? Then why were you bitching about Damnation not fitting into Opeth's catalogue??
Read Spike's post; it appears he understands what Im saying.
Beast In Flames said:
Sensible progression?? What the fuck are you talking about?! Damnation is in the same vein as Deliverance, only with no distorted guitars. Does a music only have to have aggressive guitars to be called progressive??
I never said it wasn't progressive. And i loved how it was not aggressive. but im sure everyone will agree with me that when they hear the word Opeth, they'll think of a perfect mix of ugliness AND beauty. unfortunately damnation lacked the "ugly" perspective, therefore, in my opinion, does not fit properly with the rest of the albums. You can definately get an ugly feeling without the use of "aggressive guitars," as you put it, but damnation did not achieve this; it almost did, but it was more of a somber/gloomy mood instead. Also, mike said that they would never do an album like this again, which goes to show you that this was obviously an experiment to see if it would work out as an opeth album; obviously it did not. Nonetheless, it is still a great album.
Beast In Flames said:
Plus, Damnation was written at the same time Deliverance was written and these two follow a perfect progression path from Blackwater Park.
I see were you are going with this, but i have to disagree with you on one thing: although deliverance is a perfect progression from BWP, damnation completely dropped one of opeths traits instead of adding, or progressing. :p
Akerfeldt's influences come mainly from 70's prog rock. He said Damnation came from a compilation of 70's prog rock that is near and dear to him.

It's an album that just shows how great of musicans Opeth really are. They can tackle pretty much any type of genre and absolutely obliterate it. The sound on this album is still unique, and undeniably Opeth. What makes Opeth "Opeth" is their incredible technical prowless, song length, and their transition from heavy to light.

I always imagined Opeth making a softer album like this. Take it for what it's worth. It's still simply Opeth.
They are a waste of time, because if someone reading them can't go and listen and decide for themselves, they deserve to read the crappy review laying in front of them.
I don't get the people who say "It's just a review, it's his opinion". We're not bashing jerk's opinions, we're bashing the way he presented them. He wrote that review as if he knew what Mikael wanted to do with Damnation, and as if only "pussy Opeth fans" liked the album.

Second, jerkface... you are more n00bish than I am. Shame on you. Shame....