My dog died.

Dec 27, 2004
She was outside playing with the neighbours boxers (shes was a boxer herself) when she had an allergic reaction to a bug she swallowed, or that bit her, or both. This coupled with her heart condition was to much and she stopped breathing, she died en route to the Vet in my arms about one hour ago.

RIP Ladybug

I realized not long ago that I've never seen one of my pets die (well other than some lizards). I had a hamster once and my dad forgot to feed it while I was away so it was dead and gone by the time I was back. I've had two cats. One my dad tied to his motorcycle and we think some coyotes ate it. The other we simply had to leave in the house we were moving out of because it hated people (we found it abandoned and it never liked anybody) and hid in the basement ceiling where we couldn't get to it. My dad took my first dog out into the desert and shot it. The next we gave away before a move. The third had cancer and I wasn't there when the vet put it down.

I imagine it must suck to be there when a pet dies.
Thanks guys, and yea it was horrible to be there. She was just looking at me, not beeing able to breath, coughing and wheezing, dieing, with a look in her eyes like 'What the hecks happening to me Dad?'.
i cant imagine watching my dog die. though i would prefer the last thing he/she sees is me or my wife.
:( really sorry to hear that, Tully. i still remember when our dog died. he was there all through our childhood but eventually got so old he could hardly function and they decided to have him put down.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I realized not long ago that I've never seen one of my pets die (well other than some lizards). I had a hamster once and my dad forgot to feed it while I was away so it was dead and gone by the time I was back. I've had two cats. One my dad tied to his motorcycle and we think some coyotes ate it. The other we simply had to leave in the house we were moving out of because it hated people (we found it abandoned and it never liked anybody) and hid in the basement ceiling where we couldn't get to it. My dad took my first dog out into the desert and shot it. The next we gave away before a move. The third had cancer and I wasn't there when the vet put it down.

I imagine it must suck to be there when a pet dies.

I feel really bad for all of your pets. Your family treated them like fucking garbage.
sorry for your loss Tully. Although it's better to have had the experience of having the bugger around and enjoying your time/love with her than never having the experience at all. Keep your head up and let her RIP.