My Dying Bride, Anathema, or Paradise Lost?


Jan 26, 2003
Boston, U.S.
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If we can do Maiden vs. Priest, how about these three? :)
I have to go with MDB. They came along at an interesting time; it was 92/93, and at this time I listened ONLY to death metal. I heard 'Turn Loose The Swans', and it was a life-changing event.
Anathema come close, as 'Serenades' had a similar power over me.
Some of you may find this blasphemous, but I've enjoyed all of Paradise Lost's albums-- even Host! But I'm qualified, as I was listening since 'Lost Paradise' :p

In the end, MDB has a certain magic about them, that the other two are missing... even though they wouldn't exist if they hadn't heard the early Paradise Lost demos first!
Paradise Lost before 'Host' : 10/10
My Dying Bride: 9,5 /10
Anathema: 8,5/10 (except a fine day to exit)
Paradise Lost with and after host: 4/10
Anathema- Judgement and Alternative 4 are both rock masterpieces- they have so much emotion- the songwriting is excellent- they flow so well- Judgement I would compare to the waves on the ocean the songs ebb and flow -amazing. Yet, they arent really metal anymore- they are still one of the best band i know of.

I like both of the other bands alot I guess My Dying Bride is the best Metal band
It's a only a matter of taste. Personaly I love Anathema (A Fine Day To Exit too!). My Dying Bride is quite cool band. Paradise Lost have one of the greatest debut albums ever.
ANATHEMA!-when i listened of them first, i realized that the pain could be told. it's a pure pain and melancholy,that's all..
"in my dreams i can see you
i can tell you how i feel
in my dreams i can hold you
and it feels so real
i still feel the pain
i still feel your love.."
At this point I would have to say MDB....being that they are one of my favorite bands, and I haven't really given PL or Anathema a fair listen. I do have two Anathema albums that I like....but I have all of My Dying Bride's and I love all of them....especially The Angel and the Dark River and Like Gods of the Sun...awesome stuff!
MDBs The Angel And The Dark River was a life changing discovery for me, and they have been my favourite band since I discovered them (about 5 or 6 years ago, it was also my first exposure to doom). I don't like every song they've done, there's usually a couple per album I don't like, but I like every album.
Anathema come in a close 2nd to me, prior to their last album (which as about 2 songs I like), I liked every single song they'd ever done, there is no other band I can even come close to saying that of (except for Deicide, who ironically also broke thier run with their last album).
Paradise Lost are a band I was fanatical about for a while, but alot of their old stuff has lost its impact to me now. I would probably say that Host is now my favourite album of theirs.
Love Conquers All said:
Paradise Lost - ICON is the best ever metal record that came from UK after JP Painkiller. Icon has everything I ever wanted from metal band
I wouldn't go that far, but Icon was one of the best albums in 90's (and possibly the metal history). My fave PL record.

Btw, talking of My Dying Bride, I saw them open for Maiden back in '95 when Martin used to play violin for them :D
Of course, I had no idea who they were before that gig
One big nasty question we have here, since for me it's just a battle between MDB and PL. I realy like the late Anthema at Judgement and Eternity, but their earliest albums realy can't compared to MDB and the first PL albums. Anyway if the battle was between PL's Lost Paradise-Icon and MDB, it was sure hard, both bands have amazing and great doom albums.
Blablabla, I think that MDB are taking big time, if only for the reason that they are still creating great doom albums.
Derya the Angel said:
ANATHEMA!-when i listened of them first, i realized that the pain could be told. it's a pure pain and melancholy,that's all..
"in my dreams i can see you
i can tell you how i feel
in my dreams i can hold you
and it feels so real
i still feel the pain
i still feel your love.."

Derya you're totally right.. Anathema is the greatest group which can create the real doom and make people feel the pure pain and melancholy as you said..

Apart from this, I don't know whether if you know or not, you should try Cemetery Of Scream.. these Polish guys play doom-death metal and their last debut is from Hammer Muzik. they have good sound and their song, "melancholy", is an excellent example of their music.
I think that Paradise Lost has started something that god knows if would have started without them, so my respects goes to them.

Desciding which band of the 3 I like the most is an impossible mission for me, they all rule!