My Dying Bride and Anathema

found a line of deathless kings used for cheap. bought it.

i like it more than i thought i would, i must say. not bad at all, though hard to get the full impact during a hot summer day.
it's kind of really redundant if you ask me

get a few antimatter albums instead
Funny, I'm listening to Leaving Eden now.

I don't think I can put into words how much I love this album. It's just... incredible.

:kickass: to einride for wherever you first mentioned Antimatter on RC, it's where I found out about them.
actually i almost did. all i ever find are reviews or posts about the first two. how are the last two?

planetary confinement is their best, leaving eden rules but is a little bit more uneven. they really integrated the heavy guitars well into the sound though

every one of their albums is very worth getting