My Favorite 3 bands...15 years later


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
In 1988, three of my favorite bands were, in order, AC/DC, Metallica, and Anthrax. The order has changed slightly, 15 years later, to:
1. Anthrax
2. AC/DC
~247. Metallica

In 1988, AC/DC released Blow Up Your Video, a less-than-stellar follow-up to Who Made Who, but nevertheless, stayed true to their high voltage kick ass rock'n'roll formula, the same music that they still play today. In those fifteen years, they've released 3 more studio albums, a double live album, and a box set, with another unnamed studio album set to be released this fall, and an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame under their belts. They remain instantly recognizable, and sound the same now as they did fifteen years ago, as they did fifteen years before that. It's funny how some people complain about the fact that they never change, and these same people turn around and complain about how Metallica changed.

Metallica, meanwhile, was releasing And Justice For All, a tremendous album, but also the beginning of the end. Why? Their first taste of mainstream success with the One video, a success that would ultimately corrupt and destroy them. 15 years ago, Metallica was a trend-setter, now they just follow the trends. There was a time when I considered Lars to be the best drummer in the business, Kirk to be the best guitarist in the business, but now, they're a mockery of their former selves. Perhaps if someone other than Metallica released St. Anger, I wouldn't consider it to be a bad album, although not necessarily a good album either. But knowing what these guys were once capable of, this is an extremely disappointing mess. Yes, there is a heaviness to it that had been missing from recent efforts, but each song is so unfocussed, it's like an album full of filler or unfinished songs.

Finally, 1988 saw the release of State of Euphoria by Anthrax, an album that many see as one of their weakest, although I still liked it. However, from here on in, they only got better, especially after the addition of John. While AC/DC remained unchanged and Metallica turned into a completely different band, Anthrax fell somewhere in between, evolving while still maintaining ties to their roots. Unfortunately, while the other two bands saw increasing success, Anthrax hasn't been so lucky. Will WCFYA break that trend? It's not their best album, but it's certainly written to try and get some new fans, with a number of tracks that are more radio-friendly than ever before...but will radio stations notice? Time will tell, I guess.
Let's see, 15 years ago, I was 11. My favorite band's were Poison, GnR and the Beach Boys. Right now, I don't really have 3 faves. Just one fave..Anthrax. But I've been listening to Audioslave alot and I'm getting back into Maiden.
15 years ago I was...........15!
My 3 favorites were
1. Anthrax
2. Metallica
3. Suicidal Tendencies

Anthrax are still my favorite. Then Slayer. Then a bunch of stuff......
holy shit 15 years ago i dont remenber what i did last week lol,i'll admit another thing i did see poison in concert,it was ok except for the 20 min cc solo.

ever since high school my fave band has been anthrax,i was quite late in finding out about pantera but it was worth the wait,anyways 15 years ago i was into john cougar mellencamp,fuck he put on a great live show,how could u not like songs like check it out,cherrybomb and paper and fire!!!
Yes, I was 15. My favorite bands were AC/DC(whom I have loved since age 6), Dirty Looks, WASP, Manowar, Anthrax, Motley Crue and Def Leppard and I was just getting into Megadeth, G and R, and a few others. I was never a gigantic Metallica fan although I always liked them.

Now my faves in no particular order are AC/DC, Overkill, Anthrax, Slayer, Pro-Pain, W.A.S.P., Offspring, Pantera, White Zombie, Fear Factory, Iron Maiden, and Rage Against the Machine.
15 years ago I was just about to hear the Thrax for the first time - I remember hearing I'm the Man and Be All End All on some Australian produced compilation.

After that I got Among the Living and the rest is history.

They became my fave then and they still are today. Nothing will change this.
In 88 my favs were metallica, slayer, exodus, testament, death angel...till this day i still listen to them and consider them my favorite bands. I wouldnt put them in any particular order since they change spots from year to year but all in all theyve stayed in my top 5 since 85.
15 years ago I was 15 also and my Dad wanted me to pay 200$ to stay at home and don't go to my 1st Trax show, sorry dad, he ended pickin me up at 2 in the middle of the night at the train station with his Dobermann and a iron bar in the back of the car , damn he was MEtal!!!!!!!
Bands that year, ST, Testament, Trax , Metallica , Death Angel.
15 years ago I was 13. My favorite 3 bands were Metallica, Anthrax, and Megadeth. Megadeth doesn't even exist anymore, nafnikufesin pretty much sumed up my thoughts on Metallica exactly, and Anthrax are still kickin ass. Thank God SOME things never change.