My Fiancée made me so proud last night.


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
We were having some beers here at home, playing some music, and just for fun I put on a Cannibal Corpse song to see if she could guess the band. Right before starting the song I asked,

"what's this?"

and before the end of the first measure, she says,

"Evisceration Plague."

haha! woman like that are keepers for sure! My gf corrects me on song names when I fuck them up! Was listening to Bloodbath the other day, accidentally went to say cancer of the sould and before i got to the bloody last word i got, "You serious??? It's bastard son of god jeez" lol! I love it!
Just gf's who make good calls and say funny shit in general make me happy! When miranda kerr and orlando bloom got married, I sarcastically asked where he would take her for their honeymoon... she replied.. "Isenguard...." lol
my last girlfriend listened to dubstep
yeah that one didnt stuck around very long
My girlfriend is horrendous at guessing which metal band we're listening to. Although, she does know that Chris Lord-Alge and Ted Jensen kick ass (and Andy Sneap, of course), as well as EMG pickups :)

my wife listens to scarier shit than I do ... she also loves brutal horror movies and playing video games so I'm pretty sure I struck some amount of gold :p

Mine gets scared to fuck at horror movies, and doesn't play video games at all so YOU WIN GOOD SIR, I wish my wife played video games with me and would stop bugging me when I do hahaha
Wobble gets old very quick.

Yeah, I didn't let her have the chance to bore me shitless with any of her music.
I'd just sneak on another Dysrhythmia album before she got the chance to put on some disgusting pillhead wobble bullshit.