My Fiancée made me so proud last night.

Oh so we're taking it to the moms now huh? :lol:

I'd make a comment about your mom but we all know british women basically just look like british men so I guess I'd never find myself in that open wound she calls a twat anyway
Curiosity piqued... how did it almost get you fired?

Exagerated claim, but it did almost get me in trouble. I´m an English teacher, raised on American English, so when I started working here kids would write "mum" and I corrected them once, and they put such a strange face I was like "oh crap I guess british people write it like this". If one of the kids goes to his mum saying "the teacher told us it´s mom, he´s crazy!" I would´ve been in trouble haha
I have an American spellcheck it tries to get me to replace stuff with z's all time.

Words like realise it wants spelt "realize" and I'm all "noooo" and stuff.