My first band (other then my own..)!!


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
So started recording the band back in may and its july now..
I argeed to doing 100 bucks a song which is fine they did 3 songs cool..

so we discuss the whole live or click thing they choose live.. They come by and did click one tempo all they way for each song.. Cool everything goes awesome.. I edit the tracks made them nice and tight everything looking ok. I even ran out of disk space recording them had to use my exernal drive. I had 8 guys over my back going whats up man?? SUCKED.

So we spend some weeks apart (yea how cute..) i decide im gonna build me a computer.. I did and all that came out great actually.. so im basically inbetween computers doing this and copying that making the move (i later on found out i could have just installed my other drive..ERRR i know) ANYWAY...I lose there work...

I got the computer running put in cubase loaded their shit and i got nothing but missing file..Missing file,...missing file.. FOR EVERY DRUM TRACK AND 6 GUITAR TRAX there was like 100 of these missing tracks for each song.. I search everywhere couldnt find them.. all my hours of editing gone..I call and tell them, cool.. he was happy to wanna redo it.. 1 day before they came by i got whiped out by a email viruse and had to reinstall every program .. So now i had nothing.. so im a day away and i gotta call to tell them im screwed..
So i actually retrieved them from a backup i made (long story) i found them and called him and told him everything that happened haha I KNOW..Cool>>

Now they wanna redo 2 songs cause they guy aint happy with the tempo.. So they show up now they wanna do it right after i told them at first.. Tempo track then drums. They do scratch then the drummer wants to cut the drums.. Since the virus all i had time to do it set up cubas and my firepods sync it all up i havent got to test run the system.. Im unprepared.. i set shit up.. recording was ok i had a hell of a time with routing the trax thats a whole nother story.. now i track is to fast my they keep one i gotta make it sound good and edit.. Im 19 hours in on a 300 dollar deal and ive only got $110.. Thats not including editing time roughly 12-15 hours.. END OF STORY>>>>>> And to kick it all off i think someone pissed on my floor in my basement.. yup i said it......I said only guys in the band show up cause noone wants to fess up to that..hahahaa and i wanna finish the project cause someone "somewhat" important is gonna hear it so i wanna make it awesome.. But yea thats it

What ya think?? ask for more money or am i even for missing files?? Just asking

Thanks for reading its a long story but whatever i dont really care about anyones sarcasim :Spin:

Thanks for reading :popcorn: